Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 21)

Lets try that again in a dm


Note selfā€¦pay the fuck attentionā€¦


Been there, done that! Youā€™re not alone! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Its either to much of something or not enufā€¦if you know you know :rofl:


Duo with the new avy!


For some masters only the golden middle way will do! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Like the new avatar buddy!


I was reading the subreddits when I found someone say a Strain Called Flapjacks testing at apparently 34 percent THC, smoking .7 felt like a whole blunt and a dabā€¦ Have yall ever smoked anything this strong? I surely have back in the dayā€¦ Smoke a .3 and be high all day LOL

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I smoked something bacl around 2000 in maine 3 of us smoked a joint i was so fā€¦ed up i couldnt sit on the couch and watch cartoons or maybe i vouldnt watch cartoons cause i became part of the couch i waz that ripped



Lol exactly

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Been there LOL

All I could do is sit down and watch shows and pray that I wasnt gonna die I was so fuggin stuck.

master kush is not to be messed with if your a noob LOL

IT had the full cerebral effect of a sativa and full blown couch lock of an indica. was a wild strain

The best sativa I can recall smoking though is White widow. IT was an electrfying high, like the walls are closing in , like you are THE TANK in the tank game . hyper focus high.

Green crack and trainwreck come close tho lol

the only other Kush I can recall trying was Afghan and that was alot more calmer than Master


Yeah the fucked up.shit i was far farā€¦far from being a noob had like 25 years under my belt at that point


That is a hybrid. Not full sativa.

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Dude ive smoked shit where like me and my friend were driving through the rural parts. And we come into a city with lots of Churchs and all of a sudden we both got this electric tingling feeling in our bodies like the whole body. Super intense. Super weird. and it ended once we left the town.

Felt it a little on the way back too


Yeah that explains the walls closing in feeling lol . It was for sure mainly sativa tho. I wasnt that couch locked

snoop dogg has stated master kush is his favorite strain.

i posted this recently but i had white widow a little over 10 years ago and it was very racy and overwhelming anxienty but has very thick smoke and tasted like cake frosting. not for me. lots of creativity though.


I know a lady in texas that dont like widow either for the same reason :stuck_out_tongue:

Man snoops a legend lol Master is powerful

Luckily for me I guess I was in a good envirorment and mindset because despite literally feeling like I was inside the game and the walls were electrically closing in , I was ok on white widow LOL

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I got funny storys though I tell you what.

I vividly remember the feelings of some of my strongest highs :stuck_out_tongue:

Like once after a 6 month T break my co worker at the pizza place had been bringing this absolute filth gassy grape weed up to work, He already asked me once If I wanted to hit it and I said no, Ive been THC free for 6 months. Well, the next day he comes with the jar and I kid you not this shit looked amazing. Bright greens, bright orange hairs, purples intertwined. Smelt like grape koolaid and gasā€¦

I said fuck it and hit the bluntā€¦ I tell you want I was not ready to be this high at work. Thank Goodness it was closing time ( I have another story where it wasnt closing time LOOOOOOOL )

DUDE. I came back inside after hitting it and I was already gone, but what took the high to the next level was turning to the weather channel. A badass severe weather outbreak was happening ( eeirely similar to what happened on December 10th 2021 ) and it just took the high too the next level. It was almost waking dream like. The feeling was like high euphoria paired with funny visuals and some anxiety because it was really strong.

Overall the craziest story I have though would either be the 15 dollar .5 of kush that sent us to the hospital ( was not laced at allā€¦ just insanely strong ) OR the treehouse inhaler pipe experience lol.


:rofl::rofl::rofl:Iā€™d be rolling on the floor but Iā€™m already laying on the couch :joy::wink:

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