Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 21)

We can always start a letter to move along with the card maybe? :thinking::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Ah true good point, !


@THCeed all wmbks popped. Going into soil now !

All except the smallest one lol


If you dont mind me asking what are you using to germinate is that a cloth?


Looks like a tea towel.

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Just a simple paper towel haha.

Seems to pop even the hardest of beans.

I dont think I’ve ever had a failure lol . Even Siberian Ruderalis Popped in paper towel

I wet the paper towel, seal it up in a ziploc and put it under my chair cushion for a few days


Wtg @ShiskaberrySavior, congrats! :+1:t2:

Thanks again Doug. :wink:


Bumping this up. Tell your foreign friends! :blush:

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I usually use paper towels and a Tupperware bowl
But i don’t always have the best germination rates

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I need a trade Beans big bud plants , ‘Deep Chunk’ (Californian – Afghan Hindu Kush)

Happy News Years YouAll. .Peace

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Try my method haha it never fails :stuck_out_tongue:

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Mind explaining your routine? Sorry im still a novice trying to find what works well

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A trade you say…? :thinking:
I’ll make a trade!


Well what works for me and what I do is take a paper towel, fold the seeds into it ,wet the paper towel, make it damp and seal it into a ziploc and I put it under my chairs cushion for a few days !

If you want quicker, talk to @THCeed Hes got a hot water bath method that seems to work great too !


Do you sit on the beans. Lol like a hen on her eggs lol sorry im high on my lunch break lol


I mean yeah thats exactly what Im doing LOL


I do that as well, but I put the bag on my computer over the power supply, so it stays nice and warm 24 hours.

I’ve done it once where I had another piece of paper towel sticking out of the open bag and into a little bowl of water, so it would wick water into the bag, and I left it open so the beans got lots of oxygen… That was a pain in the arse to setup, but it worked really well.


Right on ! Did the PC idea germ quick? That sounds pretty smart


Personally I always use paper towel. I cut a large zip lock bag at the sides and place the paper towel in it with a damp cloth on the paper towel. Then put on heat mat. The flap of plastic holds in the moisture and the cloth holds more moisture than the paper towel. That way they never dry out. Just what works for me.


Yeah, usually 2-3 days and they’ve popped, 5-6 and the tap root is 1-2".

I’ve done it on the back my led grow light during a veg cycle as well, but the 6 hours off made a pretty big difference.

The wicking one I did on a table and had a small light over it for warmth… That worked, but it did also grow algae really quickly.

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