Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 22)

Well everyone has different tastes and views on how they do crosses, so my honest opinion is going to be just that, my opinion.

If I had to pick between the four options you listed I would pick Blueberry Diesel. If I am not mistaken @AzSeaindooin420 already did a cross with Royal Procession and Choc. Diesel.

But I really think Crossing Royal Procession with a Skunk or a Haze strain would be really good.


All I was looking for… haha you’re the creator of RP so I figured your opinion would be a golden one.

oh shit did he hit RP to Choc D? Interesting to say the least. I wonder if any of those have been grown out?

Duly noted! :wink:


I think it was him that did it. Because the person who did that cross did send me 100 seeds of said cross, but I also think he also added haze into the mix as well. I would have to dig it out of my seed bank to verify that if you want. Just might take some time for me to find it. Had to put everything out of labeled bins and put them in gallon ziplock bags and place it hidden in the bottom drawer of my fridge so my family would not see it when they were babysitting me after my surgery since they are all anti-pot.


I stand corrected the cross was Royall Procession X [[Haze X SK1] X SK1 X [Haze X SK1] by @InTheWoods


Dude I heard that… most times I leave seeds I get in the cards they are sent and into the fridge so I know exactly who and what they are lol OG’s have problems with much to many beans.

Good to know. I think I’ll have to just do how I always do and wing it. Pick a pollen last minute when it matters most. lol BBD has been getting a lot of love from me lately.


I was right, I do have a Royal Procession X Choc. Diesel cross that he did. So yea that has already been done.
It is called Sour Serenade.


I always think of my crosses in the same manner I would pick the right wine to pair with a meal I make at work. I am a Jr. Chef so I make it a point to put a lot of thought into a cross before I make it.


I’m more a Jack Daniels and smash shit together kind of guy. Very Unrefined lol

I do know what I’m leaning towards I just wanted your perspective.


I appreciate you for asking. But the final choice always comes down to the grower in question. So do not let me stop you from doing what you want to do.


You are welcome brother! :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:


Be sure to thank @hemp for those beans 🫘 as well. He sent them to me to distribution for games, dibs, and trivial. :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:


Prayers going out for all affected by tornados and severe weather tonight, im hearing of two cities in I think Ohio and Indiana impacted by ‘’ mass ‘’ casualty events.

If your in the little rock area get to shelter right now dont hesitate, A tornadic supercell is approaching as of 10:07pm EST


Loved that manga.

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If anyone has moonbow lemme know !!! It was one of my favorites from the time I became A THCA reviewer / photographer LOL, also sidenote question .

If I make a new strain by pollinating a female with a male plant, then proceed to grow those out, get a male, and use that to pollinate the original strain, what would the result be? like an f2? probably not haha.

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choose wisely tigoro


@darkillusion how about @GlassJoeGrows since he did the run OTUG just had extra unless I misread lol

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No way for me to know, I have done so many trades over time some people have saved my address and just send me seeds out of the blue. Again all I do know is it was post marked in North Carolina.


Weeee, post #3500 :grin: