Freedom for all mankind, Memorial Day

Have a blessed Morning everyone, the freedom we now breathe, we remember. Even tho CR has nothing to do with armies or wars at all; i’m sure the world has been saved many times by the brave people who’s sacrifice did not go in vain. My kids thank you and my family too.

Memorial Day.



Well said my friend! :grin:


but we still send kids to fight wars. we need to stop celebrating them one day of the year and honor them everyday. we need to fight against this shit as much as we can. we need to stop this madness. we wont be free untill we start training our soldiers properly and using adults (that have a brain of their own) in wars. stop training children to kill, and start trying to end this problem!!


Yeah man, but it should be a little bit of both, a day to remember the dead and their sacrifice but also a day to acknowledge the fact that no one should be fighting wars. Let alone our kids.


yes but what im saying is no one thinks about this any other day of the year. and its fucked up. we all follow every trend we possibly can. and this day is just another trend. we gotta remember EVERYDAY and honor them EVERYDAY. if people thought about this everyday instead of just one out of the 365 days of the year we would be soooooo much closer to fixing this problem.


Same goes for mother’s day. What happens here is the same thing over and over again. People have no conscience, that’s the only reason why they do it on one day a year, to force people to remember at least once a year. I promise you, everybody would have forgotten all the sacrifices and suffering provoked by the wars of days past. But, celebrating or commemorating defines the fact of their valor and eases the pain of the families who everyday miss their loved ones gone!


yeah you are right. i guess im just still blown away with how fucked up most humans areXD


Oh I’m disgusted as it is, and for long time too. In the end, let’s just try and be better. One by one.


Shopping for goods on memorial day even got 25% off online !

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@ryasco and @shroomgod, don’t you worry. It didn’t go out today but i’m trying to find a way to send them without getting me or you in trouble. It’s going out probably in cd cases. Dunno, ideas?