From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

I can sort of understand how someone would come to that position. For example if most strains exacerbate anxiety or paranoia but Jack Herer seems to alleviate it then one wouldn’t have to subject themselves an unpleasant high when they already know what works for them. No idea if that’s the case for this individual but I realize not everyone is as fanatical as us or even as interested in trying different varieties. I have a hard time running a cut more than 1-2 times even before I end up wanting to try something new.


For sure, dude. I get that. I only grow everything once, can’t even be bothered to take cuts. Still, though… It was fucking weird haha. It was a weird thing to say. Very “un-neighborly” haha. Just lie and say you really liked that huge sack of weed I gave y’all a couple weeks ago haha!, even if you don’t plan on smoking it.

It seemed unnecessarily bitchy haha.

Anyway… Sorry, man haha. Back on track…


This does make good sense. I have smoked hundreds of strains over many years and only really liked 5-10% of them. So i can understand staying w what works for you.
And yes at least it’s Jack which is also my fave sativa.
But i will smoke any strain to see how it is. There is no ganja on earth i won’t sample at least once.


One time I got weed from a dispensary that was the worst looking flower I’ve ever seen (even during prohibition!).
It was delivery, and I took that sack, sprinkled baking soda on the bud, drove to the dispo, and told them their bud looked like it had PM. Showed it to them, and walked out with a free top shelf half ounce, and all of my money back!
That’s the ganja on earth I wouldnt sample.


Someday w/in the. next 10 years, we (in the US and Canada) will all be legally mailing each other 1/8ths of herb. Passing actual BUDS back and forth like we now do w seeds and cuts.


update on my ssddxgoji of mine they went in the 7th

getting some legs on them , they are the ones in the Back and the front are Gojixbjack (mine)



I’ve been guilty of this for sure and the fact it was impolite was always in my mind but I still decide it’s better to still reject it. I have enough trouble getting through my own jars as is anyways. I have had people offer to give me cannabis that they bought and to me I’d rather not have them waste the money like that. At least if I reject it it’s more likely to get consumed. Add in the element of not knowing how it’s grown and honestly I don’t even like to consume buds that I can’t grow. If it’s a strain I have or have access to sure I’ll sample, but otherwise there’s no interest.

Yeah, same. And it’s not that my standards are high or snobbish, I actually prefer mid/medium potency buds. Most strains just don’t sit right with me. Also the reason most of my collection is overlapping genetics and effects. OGs seem to be a pretty safe bet that I’m going to enjoy them. If I have the potential to grow them out I’ll still give something a fair chance even if I feel like I probably won’t mesh well with it.

Diversity & variety keeps the hobby interesting!

Ya I like how you have them set to go with bamboo/support poles already. I usually wait until it’s too late to do that haha.


Right. But it’s not like I’m forcing it on them. Every time I see my neighbor after a harvest, I ask her,”Do y’all want any?” just to be neighborly. And she always says she does, so…

I know what you’re talking about, though. I don’t usually fuck with anybody’s drugs but my own, no matter what drug that might be. Still… If you’re not gonna blaze it, tell me that before I give you a ziploc bag full of weed haha. Don’t say you want it and then just let it sit there haha.

I actually have wondered, like,”Is she selling the weed I gave her???” haha. “Why would you say you want some and then not smoke any of it?!?” haha.


Ahh, OK ya that makes sense then.

Ya that’s usually my approach too. I was considering trying some Ghost OG from my nearest dispensary just to see whether or not I want to try some Spirit HPs but probably not.

Week 6




SSDD bubbashine


wide leaves, that goji x dla 5 I grew from someone here last year outdoors had the biggest fan leaves I’ve ever seen.
Out of the strains you have listed i would try the
Blueberry Hashplant
DLA # 6
Grandmas hashplant
Baba Kush
Space monkey Pine .

all those good kush’s and SSDD should be great for trying to relieve pain. and i love piney , limey weed. wish you great germination rates.


That Space Monkey 4 pine pheno was probably the #1 strain that I’ve found so far. Hard to say for sure but it’s in my top 3 with the SFVxWookie cedar pheno. No clue how it performs in crosses but I’m definitely up for testing a few of those out… I have some F2s of it as well as crosses. I remember the mother had a distinct pine smell on stem rub in veg even, so maybe that could be a marker for F2 testing?

SM4 x Goji OG
SM4 x GG4 RIL (only a few beans)
SM4 x SM

interest me most.


Late to the party, but I’d go with Snuggle Funk or DLA 6!


Do it, dude! Don’t be like my neighbor’s girlfriend haha.

Just fucking around, but I’d probably try that Ghost if I saw it on a menu (if I looked at menus)(and didn’t wanna deal with traffic)(and felt like spending money on weed even though I have a bunch at home). It’s nice to have a sorta “baseline” anyway, although I dunno that I’d put too, too much stock into dispensary weed.

Those Spirit HP seeds always sounded interesting, anyway. Plant ‘em! Haha.


I smoked through all my headstash, so we made a dispo run. My roomie and I are both like: “Damn, my weed is so much better than the dispensary!”
Even the “top” shelf.


I’m pretty sure, though not positive, that the medical program here is all from $eed II $ale and external cuttings aren’t allowed. If that’s the case the authenticity of their “Ghost OG” would be questionable at best. Also it’s only available in extract form and is pretty expensive. Would probably do it if it was flower and a bit cheaper.

especially when you factor in the cost!

On another note the SSDD #4 runt is throwing thin and partially mutated leaves. Could be genetic but wonder if it’s some kind of virus or something with how it’s been a runt since germination. Don’t really care either way at this point but will keep my eye on it…


That was my reaction as someone who’s a JH chaser, because that stuff really works right for my ADHD brain straight up or in crosses. But I’d never turn down someone’s homegrown even if I knew I was going to take a hit and feel it and be like “that’s good shit but it’s not for me”. Seems a little rude but some people are more sensitive than others I guess, for me it’s mostly function and preference not that other things make me freak out. If anything, what I enjoy smoking regularly seems to make other people freak out, lol. I gave my friend some Nigerian Sunshine x Apollo 11/13 and she told me later that she’s usually all “sativa indica whatever dude” but she smoked that and was AWAKE.


I think we’re around week 7 give or take a day now -

SSDD mother

SSDD #2 - not all that impressed with this one so far. May stand out more if grown seedless but odor isn’t that strong, frost levels are lower than my “keeper” and it actually looks leafier too. Effects remain to be seen so I can’t comment on that obviously.

The quality / detail is low on the Triple Sunshine pictures even though I took over 20. Had to reset my camera settings the other day and I think there’s something I’m missing. Will try again in a few days after I find enough time to mess around with it. Looks really nice in person regardless


Some more Triple Sunshine shots. Some flash some no flash. Going to repost a couple in the B thread later probably.

No flash Triple Sunshine C

No flash Triple Sunshine A

Flash Triple Sunshine A



Smell as dank as she looks yet? :heart_eyes_cat: :drooling_face:


Ya so far she smells rubbery / fuel / adhesive smelling if my memory is correct. On the higher-odor end of the spectrum. Will try to get a better feel for it tomorrow when lights are on. Not the same rubber that I usually experience in SSDD. No fruit that I can detect either (lemon, blueberry muffins etc). Just rubbery gas / fuel. I’m liking a lot of the physical traits I’m seeing so far.