From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Damn, you motherfuckers must love yourselves some OG’s, haha, 60 posts later and now I am caught up.

Haven’t gotten over to that thread yet today but I don’t think it’s been the same since they broke it up into two threads either… Maybe it was something else too but who knows?

@syzygy , those are some damn amazing photos and your plants look really really nice! I’m excited to see all of those flower out for sure! Interesting to see the slight structural differences with the side branching on all three Lavender Jacks.


Ya, I understand why they did it but I think there’s a lot of ambiguity still when it comes to what belongs where. It feels like instagram or something if you remove discussion and only have hearts / likes on posts for the most part. I think it could work kind of well if the goal was to have it an ongoing companion guide like the one on ICMag but I personally like the more free for all style of a general chat usually. That general chat element kind of gives a reason for posting the pictures to me, opens up discussion and what not.

Thanks and I’m a bit interested as well to see what comes from all of it. I expect to dislike Lav Jack so chances are I’ll be happy with it because I haven’t built it up in my mind at all. The structure was really awful on a few of them. I don’t have any unique identifiers on any of them because I don’t have cuttings but the tall one is probably the most appealing and different of the group right now.


For sure, definitely agree there. It’s also not hard to use the search function if you are looking for something specific, now there are just two different threads to scroll through if you’re new to Bodhi or OG and just browsing.

Yeah, the terpenes that those plants will produce sound like the exact ones that you try to avoid, it will be smelling like a French whorehouse in there before you know it, haha.

Yeah, it seems like it fits the single stem type plants you seem to favor as far as structure is concerned for the 12/12 from seed method you employ for the most part.

And just a follow up to this after I hopped over to the Bodhi thread and perused a bit until I had to leave as I was getting close to being “out of likes” (thanks to this thread, haha), should have known minitiger started it, haha.


That was the opposite for me. I was excited to grow it, but I wasn’t a huge fan of the one plant I grew. Looked better than it smoked. Popping the rest isn’t on my short list, and I honestly haven’t been encouraged to pop any other Wookie crosses. Probably some good stuff in there, but I’m more interested in other things atm.

Pretty sure the whole point was to separate the pics / talking about grows, vs the random chit chat and posting purchases etc because a few people complained about not seeing grow pics of all the seeds that were being posted. That whole mess was just ignorant lol. I’m not pointing fingers at anyone here, but I’m trying hard to see what the point was of them making the other thread, if no one is going to utilize it, and they aren’t even encouraging its use lol. Pretty pointless IMO. I don’t think discussion is banned there either. You can still talk about the plants / pics posted, it’s supposed to be used for that purpose.

It hasn’t been the same since the blowout that caused the split. I think that incident def pushed people away from posting and sharing about Bodhi related things. I used to get all kinds of notifications about new posts in that thread, now it’s quiet most of the time. The good vibes of the Bodhi thread were killed that day.



As is often the case! I feel like ever since those IG pictures of Lav Jack were posted all of a sudden it went from a freebie no one wanted to a highly sought after strain. My pack was a freebie a year or 2 ago. IAY’s log where he noted how strong it smelled definitely got me curious about it though so maybe there is something worthwhile in there. Forgot if he got to sampling & detailing effects yet.

Ya I think it got pretty annoying over the winter personally but my strategy was to just ‘be the change’ and maybe inspire others to post pictures as well. You can’t force people to grow out or post pictures / info and shaming them into it isn’t going to be effective either.

Not going to question the moderators strategy because I don’t have any better ideas but the second thread does seem sort of pointless and unused.

In a sense but I really do think a lot of the people who were previously there and possibly still present are reading posts predetermined to get offended. To me that’s just as if not more of a contributor to the atmosphere.

Back to “be the change” and all that…


haha, not sure why people are getting offended, not like anyone broke any rules or anything like that… my thoughts are: post as-you-grow pics in the Bodhi ‘Discussion’ thread, and whatever else… but post compiled pictures, finished grow logs and refined smoke reports in the Bodhi Plant thread, but, that’s just what I’d like to see. It does suck to go searching for Sunshine Daydream, only to find “Hey, check out these five packs of Sunshine Daydream… that I’m never gonna grow because I don’t have the time, nor space, nor money, or whatever”, but I guess that’s just the nature of the site and Internet in general… you have to filter out the trash… your Google-Fu must be strong.

All the Lav Jacks looking good! Great shots! What has you not thrilled about them, the branching or terps? I can only say from the one I ran, but yeah, she is branchy underneath and didn’t stretch a lot, so none of the those lower buds couldn’t really get any light to bulk up or finish. The terps are strong, and the one sample I gave out the other day lit up the girl’s face, because it doesn’t smell like typical myrcene dominate cannabis, it’s something different. If you’re not familiar with the Jack terps, it’s hard to describe, but on the dry and cure, the lavender is coming out pretty strong, and I think everyone knows what lavender smells like.

Early samples - presses to really incredible smelling rosin, and does so easily from the few lower buds that I tried it with.
Not incredibly potent, but that’s not a bad thing. Tasty (but only if you like lavender), Mood lifter, creativity boost, no lethargy. I’ll have more in my ‘official’ write up…


Lol, people that get offended in the Bodhi thread should absolutely steer clear of the “addicted to haze” thread. That one will make you question the future of humanity! :rofl::radioactive:


I definitely had become one of those people.I just can’t handle the greed and show off posts that were the norm there, and was pretty excited about the separate plant thread in the hopes of filtering those kinds of people out of my day to day on OG. Too bad it didn’t really take off. For me, I recognized that the longer I participated in the general threads on the site, the more of a bad time I had here, and more likely I was to just stop participating on the site as a whole. Now I just stick to grow logs and am much happier. I don’t have as much content to scroll through all day, but maybe that’s been good for me too. Next time I grow out a Bodhi strain I’ll be sure to post it in there though!

But on to more important things, @syzygy you sure are the type of Bodhi grower we want around. This guy actually grows the seeds he buys haha! At least some of them anyway. Always appreciate your in depth thoughtful reports and incredibly well documented journals. Glad you are being the change!


Ya speaking with you made me realize that as well about user threads and really made OG more interesting to me. Though it doesn’t bother me opening the general threads really because it isn’t unexpected when I click on the thread, I just open them when I’m bored and not busy.

Yeah, that thread seems to devolve quite a bit into some kind of back and forth pissing match every time I open it. Can be a bit funny a times.

In line with my thoughts exactly. Finished pictures / reviews like how @the_bot is doing things sounds really useful to me. Like a general bodhi strain index or something like that, and that’s kind of what the title made me think it was (Bodhi Plant Guide).

Anticipation of the terps. I was given a cutting of “trainwreck” in 2012 and have read or heard that TW and Jack have similar smells (Terpinolene?). The cutting of TW I was given almost certainly wasn’t real anyways but I was not a fan at all of that plant. Also not a huge fan of delicate / floral smells in cannabis. Luckily I don’t care if I like it or not since I will have some TS to carry me through, so it’s still fun to just see.

So ya I’m not hyped up on it but obviously am giving it a chance and may be pleasantly surprised.

That definitely sounds good!


Yea i was hoping it would have taken off more too.

Maybe a symptom of the long term effects of smoking extremely psychoactive weed? The shit that goes on there is on another level lol


Plants look good!


What, you thought that was all I was actually gonna say? Haha.

It really wasn’t my intention to “start” anything, I was just cracking jokes. If anything, that dude who flew off the handle at a post that wasn’t even directed at him “started” whatever it is that happened over there.

“He started it!” haha…

I actually like that they broke it up into two threads. I mean, I’m still “watching” both of them, but at least now I know that if somebody posts in the Bodhi Plant Guide one, even if it’s only a single post every week, it’s gonna be interesting and useful information. I really don’t need to know what packs and how many of each some random asshole with no grow logs bought. Reading through fifty of those posts every day is just wasting my time. Wasting a lot of people’s time, really.

And I’m a very, very busy man, with ZERO time to waste haha.

For real, though, if they hadn’t split those threads into two things, we’d be on Bodhi Discussion Thread Volume Six by now, with thousands of posts just talking about packs of seeds that people bought.

It isn’t necessarily that (for me) so much as every now and then it starts to feel like the reason people are posting in the Seed Discussion thread is to drum up interest (read: money) in the packs that they’re talking about. And I’m not trying to be the “Bodhi Thread Police” or anything, usually I let it go, but I do feel like I can start to sense when that shadiness is on the verge of taking that thread over.

So I make a joke. Some people unnecessarily fly off the handle. They disappear for a while. Then they come back. Rinse and repeat.

Exactly. It gets to the point where I’m like,”Then why the fuck are you even talking about it? So people can ooh and ahh over the fact that you’ve got a bunch of Bodhi seeds that you’re never gonna grow?” For real, like, WHY ARE YOU TELLING US THIS? haha.

Dude, seriously. I am not thin-skinned at all and I had to stop following that thread a week or two ago, even though that was one of the first ones I started following when I joined OG. It’s definitely gotten way outta hand.

Anyway… The plants really do look good, @syzygy haha. I don’t think you should be like,”I don’t expect to like the Lavender Jack.” You never know what might happen. I know that I was fully expecting lavender terps from the two Wookie crosses I grew, but it didn’t happen. Which is a good thing, because I don’t like lavender, either. The Pinball Wizard and the Cherry Trance both smoked very good. I didn’t like the terps haha!, but it wasn’t because they were lavender-ish.


Thanks, believe it or not I didn’t use any biochar in the soil either!

Ya that’s what I was getting at. People just looking for an excuse to get offended by something. Haven’t read the rest of your post because I have to take the dogs again right now before I sleep but figured I’d slip this response in as I was posting these pictures I found again, will read it later though!


I had these in a download folder when I was obsessively looking up Diablo OG prior to ordering Devil’s HP. May or not be actually Diablo OG. Still thinking about Devil’s HP as the 3rd.


Doesn’t really bother me now, I just don’t open the B thread unless I’m bored enough to want to read stuff like that which happens a lot on dog walks for me.

I kind of like seeing what the general community finds interesting in terms of genetics that are currently available but hadn’t actually considered your comment about resellers hyping up certain crosses.

Ya but then I’ll be pleasantly surprised if I end up liking it. I’m often (usually) wrong about what I’m going to like.

I think my seed order should get here on Thursday so hopefully I’ll be able to contribute again to the B thread with a mail call.


Yeahhhh, maybe I’ll just quit “watching” that one. Seems pretty pointless, especially since I’m not in the market for new seeds.

Really? You can look at your phone and walk your dogs at the same time? I can’t do that, I’m way too amused by our dog every time I take him out for a walk to look at my phone. He really struts his stuff haha, it’s super-funny watching him do his thing. I’ve actually considered filming, like, a little video of him on his walks set to some heavy-ass music, maybe Part Chimp or Slayer or something.

But I don’t know how to do that, so… haha!

I mean, I dunno, it’s just a feeling I get. I trust my instincts. That thread does start to feel like,”Somethin’ ain’t right here…” every now and then.

I think you’ll like that Lavender Jack. It just sounds good. Obviously, I’ve never tried it, I’m really just kinda trying to will it to turn out good for you haha.

Sweet! Can’t wait to see pics of those packs! Haha…


Ya they go multiple times a day and I can sort of tell when something is going to be sniffed for longer than 30 seconds and that’s when I check notifications here haha. Just a quick skim really.

Could be good, I’ve never had Jack.

Also when looking up old “trainwreck” pictures I saw that I also had a “Skywalker” cutting that was gifted to me around the same time. I was later told it may be “Skylock”. The person I got it from is notoriously unreliable when it comes to remembering things like strain names so who knows. Skylock actually does exist and is skywalker (bb x mazar) x warlock.


my old “Skywalker” “Skylock” or whatever it was - some nanners coming out of the buds at the end.

and the “trainwreck” I was given


Having just finished a Trainwreck run, and also claiming Jack H as a personal favorite strain, I can at least set your mind at ease regarding terps: they are radically different IMO.
jack is spicy, woody, and a bright undertone of lemon pith, where my Arcata TWs from twenty20 were much danker, funkier, dirtier smelling and more OG style citrus, but no brightness.
I can see how people might compare them, but in person I could tell them apart any day of the week.


Ahhhhhhh the SSH was spectacular. I think that was the round I completed just before joining OG.
Really miss that one, prob the best all around daily driver I’ve had.

I did squirrel away one solitary seed :thinking:


I still have what’s left of the pack. It’s probably mostly full.


This was a cool VOTE post you did @syzygy
Is there a VOTE html code or template on OG so i can copy and paste, then edit to fit my needs?