From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses



[poll type=regular results=always max=3 public=true chartType=bar]
# poll
* Nothing - More REJ & Secret Chief
* Devil's HP (Diablo)
* Spirit HP (Ghost)
* Other

Not sure if it only works in threads you create or what, haven’t tried to put a poll in other threads.


Awesome @syzygy , thank you for your knowledge!

So, What is your current cannabis absorption method? Not counting edibles.

  • pipe
  • bong
  • joint
  • dab
  • vape
  • tin can w holes punched in it

0 voters


Tin can w holes was (at first), my go to method in high school. Smoke then toss it.
Probably not the best idea for a developing teen brain.


Our dog’s the same way. He refuses to shit in the backyard, no idea why, so we take him for a bunch of walks every day. I actually like that he doesn’t relieve himself in the backyard; our fly populations have been dramatically reduced haha. And the flies really were a problem with the dogs we’ve owned previously.

I really do think you’re gonna like that Lavender Jack. Maybe you won’t like the terps (although I love the way Jack tastes, maybe you’ll find a Jack-heavy pheno), but I suspect that the high is gonna be very enjoyable.

Really? I wouldn’t compare Jack to Trainwreck at all, as far as flavors/smell are concerned (never grown either, but smoked plenty of both), but the highs are for sure very good haha, similar in that way, I guess. I always thought Jack smelled very “anise-y,” whereas the Trainwreck I’ve gotten smelled pretty fruity. I dunno. Maybe it was the source… haha.


Just trying to validate this comment from earlier, but yeah, markedly different profiles, so if the concern was “they’re similar so I won’t like it”, I’m just saying they aren’t that similar.


haha, it’s pretty funny we all have a different interpretation of what smells like what. When I was in Charlotte, NC I used to know a dude who would get pounds shipped from CO in big cases made for shipping expensive car wheels. Anyways, he would always have this killer “Trainwreck” that was super frosty and really well dried and cured, but it always smelled like straight up cat piss. It was like ammonia in a bag. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t actually Trainwreck looking back on it, and knowing what I know now… I think what heady bear is saying is correct, Jack and Trainwreck share the terpinolene, but smell notably different from one another. Once you smell Jack, it’s a smell you can’t forget… fookin’ laws, I’d just send ya some if I could, that way you wouldn’t have to invest the time into growing something you’re not that in to.


No problem, not sure what your poll is asking other than testing the function but I currently only vape, but have done all of the above. I really hope nobody is still smoking out of aluminum cans with the plastic / ink coating, but I’ve done it sadly when I was younger.

Ya the description for Jack has always sounded appealing to me. I used to browse the dutch seedbanks back when they dominated the market and that was one of many I always was interested in trying.

Well again, the TW that I was given almost certainly wasn’t even real TW. It had an almost sweet oily eucalyptus smell and the trichomes were oily as well rather than sticky or dry. Just a whole collection of traits that I disliked and has soured me for no reason. I acknowledge the irrationality here and am giving the lav jack a chance. Won’t be too much longer until we can know for sure!

I was actually almost going to buy some a few weeks ago when my local dispensary had some on sale for like 20$/5g. Then decided against it because I don’t want to give those parasites any money haha. I’ll know shortly, not going to cull plants or anything if I encounter a smell I don’t like in a different sample so I have to wait regardless to see.


Nice, got home and power has been out for who knows how many hrs. Will help test everything for stability at least as well as the digi timer’s memory.


Sorry to hear that man. Nothing worse than coming home to no power. Hopefully you’re not in one of the sweltering heat areas and it’s not 90* inside already.


Oh no! If you have mechanical timers not on battery, I would unplug them and/or make sure the timing is right so they don’t mess up your schedule if and when the power comes back on. Hopefully you don’t get in my boat :confused:


ETA is 9 pm tonight but you know how that can keep getting moved back. Was in the mid 90s today and probably 85-90 in tent area right now. Have old phone on flashlight mode in there as a light source.


Testing the Poll, yes. But i now edited it to ask: “What is your current cannabis absorption method?”

I hope you get power back soon!


So what about us who don’t blaze, eh? I vape with a Solo, no combustion… unless I go completely nutz, :wink:


Vaping counts as blazing to me. But you are correct. So technically “what is your current cannabis absorption method?”


I only chose “tin can with holes punched in it” because you didn’t have “pen tube with tinfoil bowl” as a choice haha.


Let’s not forget: apple with holes punched, and a bowl carved out.


Gravity bong or paper towel tube steamroller wasn’t available either. :joy:


In highschool use to make gravity bongs and a thing called a lung pretty much a dry gravity bong but you use a bag like a bread bag and use that for the draw :joy: @InTheWoods


Im sure it is no coincidence I forgot about gravity bongs haha.


Joints rolled with bible paper