From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Things are starting to look a lot better already. Took cuttings and pruned them back a bit.

In the other tent the SSDD mother & TS appeared to show potential thrip damage. I have been working around a lot of plants (including thrip infested plants), so it wouldn’t surprise me. Pruned them way back and treated them with Spinosad. Nothing else has shown visible signs of thrips so I believe it is contained to these two for the moment. Famous last words?

ts a left / ssdd right


Couldn’t take dogs when I got home today because it’s raining and so I decided to finish the work from this morning and take cuts from some of the flowering stuff. It was difficult to see on some but I did notice nearly everything had a small amount of intersex problems showing. REJ had one nanner coming out of a lower bud’s calyx and it was hidden really well. I didn’t even notice it until after taking a cutting and re-inspecting it.

Spirit HP 2 and Devil’s HP 3 (or 2) were the only 2 that I wasn’t able to spot anything on.

Devil’s HP 1 had a few opened male flowers under a lower bud as well and was the first that I noticed when taking a cutting.

Could be environmental stresses, genetics, or a combination. This was far from a pristine run.

I am not sure what I’m going to do now, but I may use it as an excuse to clean everything thoroughly and move on to the next project. Was already leaning towards a reveg on the Spirit HP 2. Going to do a second and closer inspection on that one later.


Here’s a quick shot of the Devil’s HP 1 bud that I took as a cutting to root. It’s hard to tell but there is a male flower coming out of a calyx on the right side as well.


Sadness :cry: guess it’s to be expected tho with the genetics :disappointed:


Ya it’s a bit annoying but I’d rather see it now than go through all the trouble of revegging, taking cuttings, and then finding out next flower period. Will provide much needed free space at least.


Spent 10min + carefully inspecting Spirit HP 2 and finally found one. I wasn’t able to find any on Devil’s HP 3, but that’s not to say there aren’t any - just that I couldn’t spot any.

The only one I could find on the Spirit HP 2

Not making excuses but here are the potential stresses that I am aware of this round.


Cold night time temperatures

Multiple applications of Fish Hydrolysate

Frequent & heavy pruning during early flower.

Power outage disrupted light cycle for 6-8~ hours

Possible mild light contamination for ~1 Hour after lights out around day 30.

Probably more I am forgetting. Could be genetics too, I ran into intersex issues with my first Devil’s HP female years ago, as well as a REJ last run. Given that this run was half-assed I’m going to assume it’s all my fault, but I still don’t think I would want a mother of any of these if they are going to be that sensitive.

There are zero issues on the Triple Sunshine A in the tent. It is a few weeks behind everything else but it was present for many of the environmental stresses, including the light contamination.


SSDD F2, chopped on day 81. Didn’t really smell. Curious to see if that changes when I dry trim next week. No signs of intersex! 2nd pic is when I cut the strings that held her up.


Damn, sorry to hear that. Guess to me that marks the male as a dud. 3+ people reporting smell issues (though some resolved, still…)

The buds themselves look really interesting though. Frosty and large. Never seen anything like that either in the F1s. Thanks for testing them out!


Also +1 glowing review from a different local grower friend on the Triple Sunshine. Maybe I’m underrating the potency.

Time will tell as I compare her to others.


Bummer on the herms - I’ve noticed similar sacks on the electric cowboy. 4/5 of mine have shown intersex in some form or another… my tents aren’t perfect but it’s been a pretty drama free grow with high 70s and happy lush looking plants under a cmh. I purposefully didn’t clean lowers up so I could see how stable the phenos are if any look worthy of reveg, so that’s a factor as well.


Going to shift this thread into a more general purpose thread. Feel free to post ssdd related info here or there, I don’t care. Feels a bit weird growing out all og x 88g13hp crosses in an SSDD thread -

Will mostly log stuff in this thread unless there’s a unique project like a seedrun or something like that.


Np man! Thanks for letting me test them! As long as the smoke is good, I’m good! I’m not done looking through the F2’s. I have two seedlings going right now. One’s pretty interesting…it’s a mutant with big broad leaves, and self topped itself to three tops.


Very weird. I know the mom has pretty thin leaves and that’s about the extent of anything useful I could contribute on that haha. The male did have fairly wide leaves early on.

The people I’ve given her to have all had overwhelmingly positive things to say about her but I’m always skeptical of feedback like that, because if you are gifted free bud you’re less likely to criticize it. I did gift a sample to a childhood friend who I know wouldn’t hold back and he really liked it, so that was always interesting to me. Personally the SSDD is not my fav but it is great night time sleep meds.

Space Monkey hit much harder for me.


Repost from my other thread : @Tessellated posted a nice picture of an SSDD F2 he grew out - figured it may be of interest to others since a few people here have coinflips of it.


this bud looks exactly like a pheno of the first strain i made, but it was (sour diesel x qrazy train). not saying it’s related, but maybe it’s a chemdog thing?


Your guess is as good as or better than mine. I’ve never grown chem before, other than hybrids of it in a couple of crosses. I know Appalachia is (Green Crack x Tres Dawg) so it sounds plausible.


This described how I feel about most Jake Herer I’ve smoked. In fact, just puffed on some from some weird online source. This high is like the last one I smoked. Head, eyes, and energizing for a bit, but it’s not what prevails. The one I have now has led to naps, which sucks, because I only bought it because I’m out of sativa, and will be for the foreseeable future, and I refuse to pay for more :weary: I had been smoking on 2 plus year old plus dry sift hash from auto trimmings. Oddly, I like the high from the auto hash better than the Jack H., stuff is like go juice. It’s mostly white widow, amnesia, and watermelon z :man_shrugging::joy:

One of these days I’ll grow it. First time I had it it was like vaping a pine forest. I actually disliked it as I was newer to smoking and didn’t like the taste of cannabis. It’s funny, I remember it perfectly, and I know damn well I’d love it now. Weed is like Korean food (not your BS Korean BBQ North American style) it’s a lot at first, it’s tough to pick apart, there are big textures, smells and things happening that are a lot to take in.

Anyway, my hope for these is that they’d be like straight lavender, pine, and citrus with a great high. Sorry you didn’t get that experience :-1:t2:


Neat thread, just starting to go through it…

I was on the old breedbay back in abouts 2012, I really miss that spot. Anyways, I was running some Sunny D outdoors and ended up with a really resinous male that I ended up chucking around on a bunch of other strains I had going. Made a lot of f2s as well as a bunch of other x’s that found their way to many different hands. I wish I hadn’t given them all away, ha! I was fortunate to see a lot grown out but I often wonder what happened to the rest.
I had a nice thread with pics on there back in the day but I’m not sure if it’s still up since it’s been so long. I tried logging in and I’m not able to, oh well. Interestingly, it was even before bodhi himself started making his Sunny D crosses.


Very cool. I think I started growing out Bodhi’s seeds in either 2015 or 2016 - via GLG’s old site. Was pretty well established at that point and had lots of info to sort through on ICMag, RIU, Breedbay etc to compel me to go with his packs. Have you grown out any of Bodhi’s SSDD crosses yet? Curious to hear your opinion on how they compare to pure SSDD. I feel like the number of keepers (by my preferences at least) are substantially higher in the crosses than in the F1s.