Fundraiser/seed auction for Santero

Thanks Paps!


Then that would be speaking up, in my humble opinion. I’m not jumping on this train, already took the ride, peace and blessings to all.


So he can talk to you and knows about the situation, but can’t post an update for these guys?


I’ve told him to get on the thread and explain many times
I know his said he is trying to figure out how to make things whole for all those who didn’t receive there package

I’m only the middle man at this moment I did sent out all my packages I offered directly and never collected a dime even for postage as well as never received the seeds I paid for

I know the funds did go to a great cause

So sorry to say but this is what I know and am only trying to help
But I’m done



Forgive me if I was rude it was meant to come off that way it was meant to say that they responded off this thread and in private


No problem brother, whole things a mess, just hoping all the fams ok.


things are starting to develop into a better state :slight_smile:

her eyesight is less sensible and she does not need shades indoors anymore.
balance and basic motorik functions are also improving, but she still needs help
with every daily thing … we are “getting used” more and more to her condition.

a friend from here at OG helps us with RSO
and the effects are nothing short of AMAZING !

when she takes her medicine it takes only up to 15minutes until
she is able to stand by herself and even make a few steps. i must
be honest, that i had tears in my eyes when she just stood up the
first time and just walked around almost normal. that was amazing.

of course ishe is not healed, lol … far from it … as soon as the effects
stop, her issues come back bit by bit, sometimes when we had no RSO
to continue the therapy, her issues came back even harder than before
(at least it felt like that to her).

and even “under the influence”, the symptoms never really go away …
it’s more like a basic relaxation that washes over her body, making it possible
for her to work on her daily excersises. it also raises SIGNIFICANTLY her mood
and spirits, so tha she has less depressive episodes = RSO is the way, 100%.

we will keep you posted about her development. thank you for all your help
(you know who you are). we owe every single member that helps us so much.
the many blessings and prayers reach us too and we can’t express how much
these help as well … thanks to all of you, we are able to battle this :slight_smile:


we appreciate so much to be part of this overwhelming community.
thank you for everything, dear brothers and sisters. the love and help
we recieve from many of you, it really helps us very, very much :slight_smile:


Good Morning Santero,

that is great to read! I hope it gets even beetr with the time.

just a heads up: I have two friends with MS and their condition is very different from each other. The one with walking problems swears on amnesia RSO. from all different strains he tried the amnesia rso had the best over all effects. I made it with the core cut.


I’m very happy to hear about the positive news and I hope that this gives you more time together. Wish you all the best and i got your back if need help or anything. Just hit me up and I’ll see what I can do for you bro! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Pz :v:t2:


Excellent news @santero ! I am glad to hear the RSO is working and helping to alleviate some of your wife’s symptoms. I hope you are able to find a steady supply. Mrs. Budders and I send our best wishes and most positive vibrations to your wife and yourself! May things continue to trend in a positive trajectory!! :v::grin::canada:


Glad to hear there have been some small wins since this took place. Wishing y’all the best.


Good to hear your wife is responding well to the RSO, thank you for the update.


Good to hear @santero…all the best to you and yours. Got a tough road ahead, I wish you nothing but the best going forward.


3 times a day :slight_smile:

this and the shrooms (psilocybin cubensis, 1g dry every day) make a real difference !!

(both substances are restricted, in favor for that “chemotherapy”-BS pfff)


Great news that it’s helping.


Good luck to the both of you.


hey santero, does she have any psychotrop effects on the mushrooms or is the tolerance high enough so it will ‘only’ have the supporting effects for the body? (Like microdosing)

it’s great to read that she’s better now :slightly_smiling_face:


the first few days there was a slight dizziness, verrrrry slight effect.
but after a few days it went away … since then it’s like microdosing.

she makes a big trip every weekend tho, with noticable benefits :wink: