General use Gardening thread

Hey OG’ERS :wave:

Welcome to the General use Gardening thread!

As we all know, OG’ERS are very proficient at sending seeds across the globe :earth_americas: and sharing, caring and helping eachother & our grows become more and more successful every year in regards to the mighty Cannabis, but what about other Gardening? Sustainable food stock, Flowers edable or just for looks ?

This thread is all about Non- Cannabis plants, specifically edable food, flowers or non medical herbs :herb: Things we need daily to maintain and thrive with a comfortable diet as humans…

The goal here is to have just a single thread where All OG’ERS can come visit to find valuable information regarding All foods, herbs for safe consumption ( I’m not talking about Magic mushrooms or Peyote )

I’m talking about everyday foods that we should be growing as much as possible to help ourselves stay independent of other resources to ensure high quality self nutrition for ourselves & families.

I know we already have some threads that are successful like the pepper thread and a few others., let’s compile them all into a single major resource here…

I’d love to see all OG’ERS treat this thread, just like the FREE Cannabis seeds thread… We offer something we have for Free, or trade for free or have contests for free ect. :wink:

All Gardeners have seeds, everything from cone flowers, garlic bublis to valuable Cucumbers or fruit tree cuttings, even a single cherry pit seed, it’s all super valuable, so let’s spread this around, have fun and enjoy everything we can in the garden today, Let’s OverGrow our gardens together OG’ERS :heart:

Invitation to all OG’ERS
@DougDawson would you mind sounding the bell :bell:
@Pigeonman as well please.


I’ll go first.

I have a pack of 10pcs Frensno Hot pepper seeds that I grew out, ate and collected then dried for future uses.

Its flavorfull, sweet and a little hotter then a Jalapeno. So good.

Over the winter I should have French Charentais melon seeds 85 days once harvest from my garden.

This fall I can take a few Blueberry cuttings & next year have packs of Red Russian garlic bulblis for planting.

These Blueberrys are sweet & delicious, in fall I’ll be taking a few cutting to offer here.

Red russian hardneck Garlic
These little bublis, will turn into big fat cloves of garlic with traditional pungent garlic flavor.

Will also take some black Berry bush cuttings to offer up this fall, These are Prolific & produce loads of tart Blackberrys if taken right away, or left to ripen even 1 day and they are beautifully sweet. It’s also a thornless bush.


Well done, this thread is well deserved. We already know how to send seeds , haa haa.


Fresnos… that’s one I haven’t tried yet.

I can send you some long cayenne seeds in exchange if you’d like. I collected them today so they’ll need a few more days to dry out before being packed up, but they’re yours if you want 'em.

Good idea for a thread :+1:


No exchange required, DM your address & I’ll send out a 10 pack of Frensno peppers :yum: @Ivy


If anyone that is not on the call list wants added and more then happy to add you :innocent:

@tresbundles @CrunchBerries @BeagleZ @BudWhisperer @VAhomegrown @MoBilly @Oldtimerunderground @BigMike55 @Foreigner @Abbbian @Greenfingers @JaxxMunster @BarefootAndBlazed @HolyAngel @Cartwright @VAkish @HorseBadorites @Bobgrows @oleskool830 @Budderton @NorthNorthNugs @Gpaw @Rhino_buddy @Pigeonman @Shadey @JoeCrowe @gonzo @misterbee @Terpsnpurps @Mrgreenthumb @Illicitmango @CanuckistanPete @Sincitytoker @Natea @jessethestoner @Groenevingers @Spitfire @patsnumone @Jimdoors @calman1955 @keene @Cyr_grow @420noob @THCeed @Sbeanonnamellow @Big_Yeloe @HappyTrees23s @blowdout2269 @Cannaology @Smooth @FirstCavApache64 @anonymous4289 @Kgrim @Wuachuma @calman1955 @Lady.Zandra63 @Gnome1 @RadioWaves @djtrip @scotchlock @Cannabinoid @Cadizzles @MonsterDrank @splinter7 @heavenlygoo @FeloniousMonk @Tuned @Adventuretime86 @duo @Ottafish @DiRtYSkuNkZ @Pannonian @Ris @amumayuk @freed111 @GrouchyOldMan @mike28086 @Kasper0909 @NoCal @hermit @STIGGY @tamimes @OhNo555 @freed111 @OGBohab @dracodragons @Sense @Villiager @Billybob @MassTerpyy @Sdoyle @Icon @UncleLemur @RiverCityRando @NDNCHILD @Strainger @Misguided_USMC @seeds2weeds @PatioMat @GEMI-CONNECT616 @LzBoy @hawkman @CaptainNemo @OnePassionateGrower @kevinmalone @LowenderMN @percyryan66 @GallacreekD66 @Crawfish @hawkman @Zolorp @Cybersmib @Not-Notjosh @SubzeroIceKold @MyrtleGrounds @imgrowingart @scotchlock @mainerJ @Obski @Til_Valhalla @DEFSeeds @Wizdom @ThirdStone @Movement13 @IKEA22 @Movement13 @sunra108 @Whatnow @Originalweedman @Trae1170 @XgrimmX @Dannyrawdog420 @j0ebob @Gadarien @Hashton_Kusha @smokekulture @Growgrassblowglass @anon56848724 @stiffy @luxton @belleswell @Gumbert @Chasev89 @bevestaldo @sd9007 @OGSince03 @Sintax @GrowTheAtlas @PadawanWarrior @Jhamersburg @UncleLemur @Trimeresurus @dankitydank1976 @Vegabom @Drsunshinestrains @GigaChungus_69420 @TheC525 @Ace71975 @Jumbzz @greenmonster714 @DGCloud @matos420 @SargentPiff @hooddirt @Sailorboy @emeraldbullfrog @Organical @Alaskagrown @Hambone @Smscreations @sd9007 @belleswell @Raratt @Star_Dog @Hawk518 @Bert @Orbitalnutria420 @sayrum @TheGreenBeltGrower @Flower @Ivy @JAYY_2the_R-O_WHAh @TARpits @Gr8racr @Kyleromero94 @wadar @Shanesstrains @Igor @ManyManySpliffs @Onobigrower @Mattman @WoodAndWeedWizard @Hunnamilla @Strikingviking @Pawsfodocaws @MrsTJakes @navy66 @Nick @MrHamilton @Tonyww93 @Witchking @Haggis @Jobu @Dran88 @SunGrown @Reaper420
tenor (3) .



Check out the cool gardening thread everyone. :v:


I absolutely love the idea behind this thread. I keep saying I should try growing some of our own food but I never end up following through.

If I could support my own Brussels sprouts, broccoli and garlic habit, it would be amazing. :laughing:


Oh yeah. I’ll be hanging out to learn!
Got alot of pepper seeds I’d love to share also. :slightly_smiling_face:

Great idea CADMAN! :call_me_hand:t4:


Sweet thread man!!!


You can & you should. Besides eating healthy food Without all the stuff Commercial products have sprayed, it’s actually fun growing food along side our cannabis and I tell yea, the level of satisfaction you have eating food right off the plant is out of the world enjoying.


This is where brix levels come in as well


Thank you dear friend :kissing_heart:


This is the first year I have ever tried to grow lilies. I think we did OK the wife and I, nothing but homemade compost some microbes patience and love. I know they don’t look incredibly stunning, but it’s the first time we’ve ever tried to cultivate them. They smell wonderful and the tiger lilies are Beautiful in person thank you for letting me share


Beautiful flowers @Mattman its very much a good feeling seeing these seeds we grow up.

My mom in law has the whole front of her hours covered in tiger Lillys, Red ones.

I’ve included flowers, non edable & edable here in this thread, Because without pollinating bees, insects ect our food would have to be hand pollinated.

It just makes sense to Plant flowers that attract these insects to our food forests which pollinate our food for us, so we can enjoy bountiful harvests of high quality food.


Good to go.

Same goes for anyone else that wants some long cayennes. I’ll start collecting seeds.
Chery peppers are coming in too.

I’ll collect as many as I can, if anybody wants some send a message & I’ll see what I can do.


I agree, 100%. We have a beautiful vegetable garden on the opposite side of the house from where all of our lilies are. It’s incredible to see nature work in tandem to provide food for us from pollinators to microbes the sunshine and rain. Plus, there’s just nothing that beats the taste of pulling a carrot straight out of the ground.


Im in. Have lots of gardening likes.


Great thread @CADMAN.


100% aggree, all summer long my kids, wife and mom in law have worked hard with me building our own food forest and enjoying the nutrients that come back to use. Everyday we are eating small handful of Blueberry, Blackberrys. We have e some apples we grew, carrots, Radish, lettuce, tomatoes, Cucumbers ect. Seriously gives us all a feeling of self motivated accomplishment.