Germination - what am I doing wrong?

I’m sorry for the new topic on this everyone. I’ve been posting in multiple threads about this, but I am at loss at this point.

I’ve probably used every combination of heat, darkness and water that you can think of at this point. Paper towel, plastic bags, Tupperware, straight water, dark cabinets, top of the fridge, etc.

I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or if Im just having bad luck with the seeds but damn this is starting to drive me crazy. I started germinating over two weeks ago and I’ve got four sprouts And about 25 seeds I’m about to toss

II went to a store and spent $100 on feminized seeds and only one out of four of them have sprouted.

Here’s my question: how long does it usually take a seed to sprout for you guys? What is the range and at what point do you consider a seed bad?

I just got a heat mat in the mail today and I’m using that for the first time so hopefully some bottom up heat will do the trick. Already tried the top of the fridge though… I’ve got it set 82°.


JohnnyPotseed’s Germination Technique A search will bring up many ways.Also many threads

:green_heart: :seedling:


Quality beans that have been stored properly… 24hrs and on. Usually need to get into medium within 3 days max with inch plus tails.

I use cotton makeup pads. Saturate. Wring em out and then place your seeds between em into a plastic baggy. Done.


Yeah man, I appreciate the link I’ve been reading for hours. It just seems like there’s not a whole lot of variable here either they work or they don’t. I don’t know I’m confused at this point lol


After a week I consider them dead and if they are alive it’s a happy accident.

I direct sow in 1L pots in saturated promix in the dark somewhere that’s too cold.


Try this out
thnx for the tag @G-paS ! Always glad to try helping out.


Within 3 days of starting the germ. process or seeing the root?

I gave him the link to that too. :rofl: Yours was the only method I didn’t see he already tried.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Reading now. Thank you!

I see you did, now! lol

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A small plastic box with lid
One layer of wet paper towel , not shiny wet but mat wet
Place scuffed seeds on top of towel but don’t put another wet/damp towel on top
Put lid on small box
Place in warmish spot

Let seeds absorb what they need from wet towel below and humidity in box

Seeds in shot glass water are forced to take on water ( positive pressure ) and it can be too much
, seeds look cracked and a tail may poke out but they have drowned and just swollen and already dead

When seeds absorb water from damp towel below and humidity in box they only absorb what they need ( negative pressure )
Water to air ratio in seed is perfect , giving them the best chance of germinating

: )


Honestly, this is the only issue I think it could possibly be at this point


Johnny’s got a tried and true method.

@THCeed has a pretty solid method.

I boil water, turn the heat off and let it sit 30-40 seconds. Cover seeds with that water, put plastic wrap over it. After 24 hours, plant them onto already wet media. Have extra, pre-wet media next to you. Sprinkle just a little on top and pat pat with your fingers like it’s a bird dancing. Leave them to be and they should be groovy.


I typically have massive tap roots by 72 hours. Anything that doesn’t show roots in 7 days I toss… Unless it’s crucial to get them germinated as in a seed run or rare beans then I’ll toss tricks and @Pigeonman tech at them.

Some beans just won’t make germination unfortunately due to age and storage. You may just have a bad batch. I germinated 50 on a hunt last round and only had 4 duds.


There are many good methods that are used, but all roads lead to the same destination. lol Some get ya there in better shape, it’s up to you to try what ya wanna, combine em up even.
Good luck


I will be getting some worm castings first thing in the morning, sir. Thank you.

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Another method that’s great.

Is germinate by soaking in a coffee cup of water with 1-2 tbs hydrogen peroxide in it for 24 hours… (this helps soften the shell) then into a light soil like happy frog or whatever you’re going into… keep it light keep those temps around 80f and keep it moist… last time I used this method… I popped all seeds but 1 @spillz907 and all made it to adulthood

All my seeds are over 2 years old


I think I’m fighting the age on these seeds for the most part-

though I might have the temperature a tad low.

It’s getting to the point where they are getting so staggered that its going to start affecting my run so that’s why Im reaching out

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All my seeds are at least 2 years old buddy… try it just once you’ll be amazed @spillz907


It’s going to work out well buddy… you’re in the right place