Techniques for The Germination of Older Seeds

Hey OG family :wave:
So im beginning to do some experiments with a few older beans I was given and wanted to know some techniques, or ideas you have either tried, or heard about it he past.

A few I’m trying so far:

Hydro Peroxide Solution soak:

Molasses Solution soak:

Tap water Soak:

Sandpaper tek

KNO3 Soak

I know of a few others I may try but know little about as well.

Worm casting bins


Beer Soak

And saw post from a few years back by Strayfox
Does anyone know exactly how Bodhi does this ?

I understand the basic concept, but don’t know how it was done or for how long.

Anyway if anyone has any other ideas please share them below. I hope to have these germ so I can share them with the community in the future.
I’m not going to share what they are yet thou untill I have a few that are well grown.

And if anyone has any older seeds they would like to donate to science please let me know. I only have a few to experiment with, but the more ideas I can try, then the better I can say what the best technique to use is for anyone needing to know in the future.

Thank you again OG
And if anyone wants to know more about some of the techniques I’m using just let me know.


Sticking seeds in a chunk of aloe vera has been very successful for some.
Or laying them between two slices of fresh aloe vera.

A banana would probably work too.


I’m learning the extra extra benefits of aloe… I also think a session in the refrigerator and or freezer… before bringing back to germination temps seems to help me… could be bro science, but seeds do go through winter :thinking:


100ppm of gibberllic acid per year of age up to like 7 or 10 i believe is a good ratio


Popped many in aloe. When tail swells its ready for paper towel or worm castings.


The majority of my seeds are 15+ yrs. old and I have no problems using the paper towel methods…towels soaked in plain ol Chicago tap water…

I keep it simple folks, when it comes to 15+ yrs.old seeds why try using new techniques…my seeds are valuable to me…


I know that freeze dried coconut water powder is a good source of gibberellic acid and good for sprouting older seeds.

You can also just get straight up gibberellic powder from scientific stores and stuff.

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that is one cool photo dude!!!

you might be onto something!! :man_scientist:

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I have never soaked my seeds, just the towels bromigos…


It certainly looks like it !
How much would it cost me for you to send a few bottles of H20 from your tap ? Lmao

Liquid Gold

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Tap water wet kitchen paper always works for
Me,I’ve popped some 10 year old seeds
Personally I store my seeds in empty pill bottles in the cupboard lol never had a problem with them opening you get the odd one that won’t open

I did have 15 ppc seeds not open one time was very strange


to me is always hard make some difference when the seeds has stored in a wrong way

Yeah Ive never had luck with my city water either. BUT I also heard Strayfox mention he always used his tap water to get older seeds to pop as well. Maybe you all have something in it that I don’t ?

Chicago tap water is about 170 ppms…now that I live out on the country I use my shitty town water with over 800 ppms…it really doesn’t matter which water I use as long as it’s the towel method…


My tap water is a ph of 11 lol

It’s down today

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Wow…damn I thought I was on to something haha
I’ve literally never had anything pop with my towns tap water.
Ive tried a soak, paper towels, and also unbleached coffee filters. Nothin. Ever.

They would pop with bottled spring, distilled, and reverse osmosis water, but never with my tap.

I’ve just been having a lot of trouble with these older seeds. They are from the 70s. Probably the oldest seeds I’ve ever tried to start.


That’s old seeds lol,try letting them sit in water for a day then onto the wet kitchen roll
Put the wet kitchen roll in a little tub with a lid and put it in the cupboard for a couple of days


Yeah haha I was like 70s isn’t to old till I realized it’s 2022 lol their like 50 year old beans.

But I sanded the edges, soaked for 12 hours in a Hydrogen Peroxide + water solution over night.
Then I soaked them in a Molasses + water solution the next day.
And finally I placed them in unbleached coffee filters sealed inside a ziplock bag with some air in it. I’m going to let them dry out a little before I mist some water inside.


Cool. I’m gonna sit them above my fridge to keep a little warm and spray them once or twice in about an hour.

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