Goji OG Community Preservation Run & Beyond

Props to you @NorthNorthNugs for volunteering your time and resources for this project. That deserves appreciation.

I think you sparked a good discussion about making seed in veg light conditions. I would be curious as to any significant impact it may have on the babies. I would say my fear personally is that it might create progeny that are not “used” to normal photo-period conditions and could lead to undesirable or atypical coping mechanism traits.

That being said, I have also made seeds this way and it definitely appears to work fine. I couldn’t say how, if at all, it impacts the babies. I can say, however, that it does make the harvesting of seeds job a lot more of a pain in the ass. You wind up w just a couple seeds at every growth node, and lots more branching and leaves, rather than buds full of seeds. Even once they are fully ripe and dried out to a crisp, the seeds don’t seem to come off the stalk as readily as buds would snap off, so each seed seems to require more individual attention. I didn’t like it at all for that reason. I felt like it added frustration to an already tedious process.

That being said, I’m all for experiments and seeking answers to uncertain questions. A cool thing about this project is we will likely have many other Goji seeds that will be made in the more traditional way. Maybe we can compare / look for any noticeable differences in the resulting babies.

That leads me to a question for @The_Lazy_Hippie, is the plan to keep the various seeds produced organized and separate from each other at all? Or, is the plan to just collect and mix them all together?


I’ll have to follow this one. Good luck @NorthNorthNugs

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I think it’s worth doubling down and thanking @NorthNorthNugs and @catapult and @G-paS and anyone else who’s dedicating thier time and space to preserving these genetics for the community regardless of how they choose to do it. What I love about OG is the ability for all of us to discuss openly our thoughts and methods and then make our own choices on how we want to run our gardens with the info available to us. You’re all gems in my book :v:t2::v:t2:


Great post.
He touches on several interesting topics in that time range.



Have you done the 18/6 post seeding before? If so I have a few questions on the the process.


I put up a post awhile ago when I did 18-6 for last ten days of flower, again from Rasta Jeffs info. The reaction was pretty similar to what you are getting @NorthNorthNugs.


oh neat. Thank you for the link.

Thanks again to everyone for your comments and concerns. I want to inform you that I intend to take them seriously and look into this matter more deeply, when time allows. I’ve already done some reading and will commit to doing more before responding in full. In the meantime I believe I owe a few apologies.

@nube - You’re right. I didn’t look and I should have before being quick on the trigger in my response. My apologies and sincerely I thank you for you insight and the articles. I intend to read them and respond in haste.

@MantisTobogganMD - I must’ve overlooked this comment and I apologize if I came across overly defensive or even down right aggressive. Thanks for trying to enlighten me and for sharing your input as well.

@Cormoran You’re right and thank you for calling me out on this. I also apologize and I will put the communities wishes to a higher regard for this preservation run. Initially, in your first comment, I took offense to it because it sort of felt like you were bossing me around. It triggered me and I responded with a little too much aggression. Let’s try to move forward and put this behind us.

I’ll do a bit more research and respond more in time.


You only wanted to do what you thought would make the seeds better and healthier for the community no harm done :wink:

Maybe one day we will find out that 18/6 is of benefit maybe we will find out that it isn’t. who knows lol only science will tell us that.


Thanks for taking the time to research and consider it, however you and @The_Lazy_Hippie decide to proceed I’m sure it’ll be what the community as a whole wants. :slight_smile: This is too important a strain to let any of our egos interfere, whether yours or mine.

I do tend to get a little carried away and come off as controlling sometimes, and I’m sorry for being a little aggressive myself. I wasn’t trying to boss you around at all, just know enough about epigenetics to have misgivings about the plan - I should have led with that, and looking back I suspect the “at that point they’re all yours” comment was what did it. I might very well have reacted the same in your place. I know how it is to react emotionally, and I’m definitely willing to forgive and forget. :slight_smile: Also quite interested to follow along and see what this 18/6 does, whether you use it now or on future F-gens/backcrosses from your clones. It definitely sounds like an interesting technique, just seems like more of a focused/selective breeding technique than for preservation.


For now, on to other things! Here’s an update on the progress.

9 out 11 seeds were successful in germinating. The two that didn’t pop were placed back in a cup of water overnight, then into paper towel for 8-10hrs. Nothing happened. They were then placed into a seed cracker and gently popped. I placed them back into the paper towel and left them overnight… still nothing :sob:

The 9 that did pop have come up and are almost fully open! Only 1 helmet head out of 9 that has been carefully taken care of. They’re shooting up nicely but a little too much for my liking. I’ve raised them a little closer to the light in hopes the stretching stops. This could also be due to the gibberellic acid from the coconut water, causing them to quite literally shoot out like a rocket from the jiffy pellets. Typically in the past I would build some support for them and get the air circulating asap to build up some stem strength and will keep an eye on them.

Helmet Head:

Breaking Free!

With most of the cotyledons open, the light has been switched from 24/0 to 18/6. The veg stage begins!


Eyes wide open…

LMK if I need to delete…Homage to Helmet Heads Via @NorthNorthNugs


looking good!


Things are moving along nicely here. Getting bigger and showing nice daily growth. Got some air movement to get those stems strengthened up.


Looking good! That seed husk clinging to the stem is a trip. Doesn’t know when to let go. :v:t2::joy::call_me_hand:t2:


Ha! I know eh?! It kind of reminded me of this…


Ethos does it alot.

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Some exciting developments to update you all on. Remember those two seeds that didn’t pop?? Well I was poking around in my grow room last night and BAM! I suddenly remembered that I had left them in the paper towel within the baggie to germinate and hadn’t checked them in over a week!! I hadn’t really given up on them but also at the same time totally forgot about them. When I opened it up look what I found?! One of them had successfully germinated!! Although it looked to be in rough shape it was holding on. I quickly hydrated a jiffy pellet and placed it in the tent… Not looking promising but I just have a good feeling about it!

This morning I opened the tent to find this: LIFE FINDS A WAY!!

I’d like to introduce you to the lazyhead who just didn’t feel like popping out of bed until a week after everyone else! Showing up fashionably late… GOJI #10 has arrived!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

I’ll keep a close eye on the little fella but it’s definitely thrown a wrench into my grow timeline a little bit. Either way I’m happy to have a 10th show up. You never know what it might turn into but I have a good feeling about it. If it turns into a keeper plant I’m naming it …

“The Phoenix Cut”
Screen Shot 2021-11-12 at 1.12.56 PM

The other nine are coming along nicely. A few of them are getting a bit top heavy so I had to build some restraints but overall looking healthy with good growth rates! A bit light in colour if I’m being honest so I’ve been spoon feeding very small amounts of soy aminos for nitrogen. I may bump that up this week. Looking to up pot within the next 7-10 days.

This is Day 14 since the seeds got wet:

Before #10 showed up #2 was my favourite. It’s the perfect little seedling with a stout stem, sturdy leaves and the perfect height. I’ve got my eye on that one too. Anyway, as you were.

Happy Friday!!


“the phoenix cut”. Resilience in form of a plant…

Happy Friday

:om: :prayer_beads:


I like the Phoenix moniker. Totally appropriate :v:t2: