Heres my 3 Durban Poison. No amendments apart from a dash of bat shit when I dug them in. (Around 5 days ago for the pics I think)
53.4 (N)
Heres my 3 Durban Poison. No amendments apart from a dash of bat shit when I dug them in. (Around 5 days ago for the pics I think)
53.4 (N)
They are looking great mate, gonna be monsters by seasons end
Wish I had nice rich soil like that at my plots
they look very happy
Either. If from seed I would maybe start it in a place you can keep an eye on it until it gets big enough to handle the wild.
Another good soil conditioner is to seed your plot with nematodes and fungus from a hardwood forest.
Find a healthy old growth forest, fill a bag with some dirt, then take it home and run water through the dirt to wash off the nematodes and fungus spores (a big strong teabag would be ideal) then water your plot with this water (don’t let it go anaerobic) especially around your comfrey or other perennials.
This will be great for your soil condition after a year or two.
Get yourself a decent set of waders mate. Your average Joe is getting moist trying to get to my sites plus rivers over here usually have a loamy soil and a load of nettles growing.
Cannabis was classified in the urtica family for a good while and for good reason.
I may post here occasionally when I visit my plots if that’s sweet mate. I have a a few threads running already
In Yorkshire @Stonkie
“Just tekkint piss out ma American knowledge o’t accents int smaller sections of englund”
I’m a little bit further north. I threw a few bag seed in the dirt out the back of where I live. Out of about 8 seeds only 2 sprouted. They about 5 weeks old now and only on there 3rd set of true leaves. One of them the snails and slugs have had a go at it and practically stripped it bare. I put a plastic collar made from some soda bottles, some salt and egg shells to try and stop them.
I don’t know if she will recover but I have to at least try.
I have an auto I germinated out of my devil xxl stash I plan on putting out also. I’ll ensure it has a few nodes to give it a fighting start.
run out of likes so all round
went to the auto plot with t’dog like nothing else had come up so not sure if they will.
5 x Nepal x Deimos
Will try get to the Mikado plot in the next few days, still not been since the last pictures were uploaded so hope they are alive!
Hash Plants Im sure are fine and will be a few weeks before I go back there.
They seem ok fella !
They are more or less dead from the slugs anyway. It was more a laugh to see if they would grow. Obviously if they thrived I’d take more care over them. It’s just seeds that I’d normally not grow indoors.
Went to the Mikado plot finally
They were looking better than last time
…are the plants on the left side positioned better for light? or just nature doing her thing…
There was grass fallen on 3 on right and one at back, we had a few stormy days last week…
Mine are starting to recover after being attacked by snails and slugs. I’ve since put an autoflower out there also. The tubes I cut out of old soda/pop bottles seem to be protecting them. Really slow growth but the weather has been a bit hit and miss here in the north east.
North of me or @gordongecko bro? I thought you were over the pond initially. Dunno why
Ooh north east. The mother is from guisborough
I’m Newcastle mate. I’m a bit further up than Guisborough. All of Redcar and North Yorkshire is a beautiful part of the UK to live.
It is where I am too brother (there’s no point. And I mean no point in me disguising who I am or where about now) lol. Work makes it difficult to be incognito
You just outdoors or indoors too?
I understand about being incognito haha. I normally grow indoors only but just for personal use. Pain meds as i have cppd and nothing else helps. The outdoor is just for a giggle to see how they would do. 2 unknown bag seeds and a devil xxl auto. Its not really guerilla as such. I just stuck them at the back of where I live as no one really ventures down there and it’s really secluded but gets sunlight from every direction right through the entire day.