Got 99 problems and they're all in my tent. (roots) (deficiency)

No they’re submerged about 1 inch. should I be leaving space?

Yes, absolutely, that way the net pot is not dumped, bubbles sprinkle water in the roots like in air cloners and they are oxygenated. I’m sure there will be good progress doing this. A good man told me that roots in water drown if they don’t have oxygen ejem|nullxnull , that could happen to those in the net and could be the origin of the slime … Arriba|nullxnull


shit never thought about it that hard but that makes sense netcups blocking the oxygen flow. ill take some water out and keep you updated!

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hmm I’m leaning more towards some kind of problem in the reservoir. The plants look like they are in chemical shock like I just dumped half a liter of peroxide in there. Or something. I mean, look how curled the leaves are.

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Yea their mad af! I’m using 10 ml per gal of 3% peroxide. But I tried to wash of the roots with 3% directly and ‘’ that really pissed them off.’’ (Steve errwin voice) should I be trying to save them still or just pop new beans??

You can cut off bad looking roots and leaves, then water them from the top until they develop new ones and reach the water. You will soon see if they recover or not and decide … :sunglasses:

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They’ll regenerate but cut the peroxide to 0. Don’t add any to your res or get any on your plant. Mind you the last time I chemical shocked a plant with peroxide it was chives not weed.
Don’t add any peroxide, or bleach, or whatever else. I can grow beautiful plants without any of that. It’s about achieving certain conditions in the root zone and canopy, to make your plants thrive, and bleach and/or peroxide won’t help. I’m not sure who started recommending that for dwc, but stop please.

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Thanks for the info. Ill cut it out of there. always felt bad about it but i had to try something else. do you run Beneficial’s in your system?


I just use the chemical nutrients. I never even have to change out the buckets for months.

What! that’s crazy. proofs in the pudding. Your plants look great. what line are you running? if you don’t mind me asking.

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sure I use technaflora boost, veg, bloom and awesome blossoms.

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Not sure if it’s been mentioned but what’s your reservoir water temp. Keep it at 68 if you can.