Got 99 problems and they're all in my tent. (roots) (deficiency)

Hello! I just finished my first harvest and have been struggling with my second run! Strain is JMO from in house genetics.

The old growth has become crinkly like paper on the edges and purple on the leaf and stem.
I was thinking this might be a potassium deficiency.
And new growth on one of them is getting some fairly severe yellowing in new growth tips!
They all seem to be growing kind of slow.
Nutrients are botanicare kind line. Bare NPK while I sort these issues out.

I have been battling root slime since the beginning with these plants. But I think I got it about finished off! Hopefully I can move from a sterile res to benes. I was using hydroguard but I’m going to try Mammoth P next!

Please let me know if you have any suggestions in identifying my issues!

Love you all💚


ok, what’s the conductivity of the solution. And the temperature. PH?


I might try some SLF100 or epsom salt for the slime issue… and here’s a link to make your own Mammoth P


are you using organics in a system designed for chemical application?


Bleach or pool shock will help with the slime.


Ppm 700 is around 1000. 1.4 ex. Temp stays between 65-70, Ph 5.9-6.3. I haven’t used any organics. I used a little pure blend tea in the first week but stopped as soon as I got issues.

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That slf 100 sounds promising have you tried it? I made a Batch of the heisenberg tea but it went bad in the fridge after a couple days. Doesn’t seem super practical for my scale. It was also an old recipe. I’ll check the videos out thank you!

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Thanks for the probiotic video Arriba|nullxnull, looks easy to make them, are you using air stones? :sunglasses:


I’m trying not to use bleach unless I gotta. But seen a few people mention pool shock on other threads. Have you used it?


Yea got 2 in there right now! Also running 10 ml per gal of 3% h202


No just the bleach cause I already had it. I believe bleach is sodium hypochlorite and pool shock is calcium hypochlorite.


Sorry for the stupid question, I didn’t see any tubes in the pics, better use pool shock, sodium is a no no for the plants … :sunglasses:


looks like RDWC to me. Are you sure botanicare kind is meant for chemical systems? Says you can use it in any system. So… the question remains about the origin of the slime.


I use it and love it but I’ve never used SLF100 or bene’s in a hydro system. When I ran a hydro system I always used General Hydroponics 3 part with Advanced nutrients bud blood with big bud and cal mag and carbo load


ok I’m on slime patrol! How long does it take to go from good to slimy? What is the water temperature in your system?


Love the title :joy:


yea it says its suitable for hydro systems. it doesn’t specify dwc . I was already thinking about switching because I chose the line for the wrong reasons. Slime is there in 1-2 days . Water temp 65-70

@WeTokeChronic nice might try copying your hydro recipe if it worked out well for you! you use everything at recommend dosses? if you remember of course!

Thank you all !

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Yea I used it in 50% FFOF soil and 50% Bcuzz Coco. And I used it in my DWC hydro with RO water set up. Worked really good on both ends and I stayed at half the recommended dosage


alright little update. yesterday or the day before I had the bright idea to supplement some veg nutes with bloom to get some extra P. That made the deficiency noticeable worse. so today switched back to veg recipe and lowered to half strength. About 630 ppm (700 scale). PH 6.1 and 10 ml per gal 3% H202.

Roots are still a bit slimy but it seems slower this time. I swapped out all the LICA I could to get rid of any nasties hiding in them and cleaned the netcups best i could. gunna pick up some mammoth P and start adding it as the H202 burns out. fingers crossed !


Do you leave some free space between the net pot and water? :sunglasses:

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