Grow journal, chat and giveaways and occasionally art and 3D printing!

Hey @Bobgrows

where did you get your Acapulco Gold seeds?

i have run barney’s farm cut twice. it works for abuela, but i am curious if a better/more authentic cut would be more beneficial.

from what i understand a ~true~ AG would take about 14-16 weeks to finish. barney’s farm cut has been hybridized so finished around 11 weeks.

never got my hands on some real AG back in the day. it was a legendary strain that people still talked about, but no one had. i remember around 86-88 a high school buddy’s brother was in the army and stationed at fort hood TX. he would drive down to mexico on weekends, buy a s-load of orange haired mexican sensimilla, put it all in mason jars, seal them and ship an entire case of jars up to his brother who would then sell the jars @ $75 a piece. each jar was an ounce.
crack the jar and take a whiff and get high off the fumes. it was wonderful stuff. but dried up after 2 yrs and never saw that again.

i have seen the central and south american landrace threads but not sure if anyone on OG is still running pure cuts of AG.


90’s Kush such a beautiful plant. I would grow again. :100:


My AG came from @lambchopedd


Thank you @Bobgrows

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you are so welcome !

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I might have some AG, I’ll check. Also @Bobgrows i didn’t forget your Jilly Bean seeds, been kinda busy with trimming, Elk season and tying things down for winter. Got seeds from Mac-1, but with the wind up here I have some seeds with all my plants. The wind blew the pollen ( what little was made) on the other plants so I have Big Detroit Energy, PPP, 90’s Kush and tombstone crosses. I think I have my new crosses for this year now to get them growing and see what we get. Not to mention Mac-1

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Are they pure Mac1?


Happy accident pollination there! I’m sure some magic comes from them

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What was the pollen @Gnome1 ?

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Yea, I colidal silvered a part of one plant. Gotta get tested to know for sure but that was the only pollen for miles, you know I’m in the middle of nowhere and the nearest grower is @12 miles away


Hope to have good ones

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So Mac1 pollen on 90’s Kush?
Mac 1?
I’m super excited!


Mac-1, I just got like enough to do maybe one small limb


I’m going to do STS as soon as I finish up 2 of my tents.


I’ll send you some of the 90’s Kush cross to try anything else you want to try. I guess I’m gonna get a bundle ready for you if you can wait a couple more weeks for me to finish trimming and I’ll get seeds then

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Sure I can wait. I’m full right now anyways.
But super excited to test them!
I’m out of :heart:
Loving this!


that would be awesome. thanks!

I got your back lol. I still love ya

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Don’t you always! :heart:

Are you still doing the 90’s Kush reverse?
I was planning to, but if you are I can do another project…:thinking:


If you can do the 90’s revert, I’ll concentrate on some Mac strains. Gonna grow out and seed 2 or 3 times on these to get the strain strong. Hopefully I can get two then the seeds from the third will go in the ground also