Grow stones from old recycled glass?

or they sharp as glass which they or made from what about ph of the grow stones


You could totally use RECYCLED glass bro! Just don’t have really sharp edges that might cut any roots if mishandled . . .but hell ya good idea! You will need to cover the base of your plant to stop any light that enters thru the glass but it’s totally usable

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Yep, growstones are made from recycled glass. They apparently melt the glass and add calcium carbonate to cause it to foam. So, it ends up like a glass foam. Not sharp really. Sandpaper consistency, maybe. Kinda-of dusty.

But, you might want to condition them before hand since any residual carbonate can affect your PH if in contact with a solution…possibly causing it to increase.

I have some growstones here that I haven’t used yet if you’d like me to do a quick test…

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I bought a bag a few weeks ago and im about to try them out on this upcoming run. I’ve only heard good things about them. Plus theyre better for the environment than other options.

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Ahhh already made glass growing media. . . Got it haha

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Recycling glass bottles in the way you’re thinking would be interesting. Tumble the glass shards with a little bit of sand in a rock tumbler to remove the sharp burrs…

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Yeah or some broken glass in the back of a pick up truck for a couple years. . . What ever works right hehe.

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Or, if you can melt it down, you can slowly pour the molten glass into a liquid that will cool it as it hits it, forming little balls. I have not tried this with glass, but have with metal for homemade shot.

Hyrdoton/glass hybrid…aren’t they called marbles. Pretty sure they would work too lol

It’s much easier to order/buy it locally if you can. I’m on my 5th grow using 15% GS-2 added to Fert-I-Lome. It retains moisture better than perlite, at less cost. It also doesn’t turn brown from nutes & media, nor does it float up through the media over time. I’ve never conditioned it, just rinsed it off in a colander. Good stuff.

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…seeing as i’m effectively medicated this morning and this is overgrow, i thought this was about growing crystals with all those beer bottles or some other weird project. that would be more interesting. hehe :sunrise: :smoking:

:evergreen_tree: stones DO, like, grow man

I wish i had more avil locally. All i have is lava rock n perlite near me.

I use this stuff gnat nix. It’s recycled glass with diatomaceous earth in it or something. I put a layer of it on top of my Coco to make a physical barrier against bugs.