Halloween outfit this year

Just wondered if the grower’s community celebrate Halloween. If you do, can you say sth about it? Can you show your costumes?

Maybe you’re super creative and involve your plants into this holiday :grin:

I’ll go first if y’all don’t mind :sunglasses:

Considering the fact i’m planning to get stoned af, the costume of a fallen joint would be a perfect option for me :joy:
I got inspired by this pic


I have a cowboy hat and boots and I use Halloween as an excuse to wear them.


I’m supposed to have an excuse?

This explains a lot…


Going as nickelback going to tape a nickel to my back and a photograph to the front of my shirt :joy:


Pants and shirt also would be best. Otherwise you end up the candy at the local jail………


I’m not that kind of cowboy 🥸


Everyone is that kinda cowboy :wink:


With my 3+ foot dreads no matter what I dress as I get:

  1. Bob Marley
  2. Rob Zombie
  3. Ronin (from Stargate Atlantis)

So I stopped dressing up and answer as follows: “I can only be me.”

:rofl: :metal:


You could also just tape a rock to your ass and be Butt Rock in general! :laughing:


hahah classic! :ok_hand:

i wanna be you, man :rofl:

A bunch of my friends are die hard fans of the band Umphrey’s McGee. For Halloween shows the band will come up with some interesting song mashups, while wearing mashed up costumes. Take two ideas and combine them. During the election two of the band members were “Cypress Hil Clinton” and “Ronald McDonald Trump”. They encourage the audience to do the same. My friends have gone as Lunch Lady Gaga, Werewolf Blitzer, and my favorite: Curious George Clinton.

Here is a clip from their 2014 Halloween show. Costume introductions are first, music starts at 2:20. It’s a mashup of Walk This Way, Sweet Emotion, and Funk 49 by The James Gang, with a percussion jam and a nod to Run-DMC

I’m lame and don’t dress up but I attended their Halloween shows in 2010 and 2016 and those were some crazy good times!

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one more show in my wish list now. Looks just amazing, thank you for sharing :wave:

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Sounds like a fun Halloween plan! Love the creativity with the fallen joint costume. As for hiking outfits women, I’m all about mixing comfort and style. How about incorporating some spooky elements into your hiking attire for a festive twist on the trails?