Happy Mothers Day

Just wanted to send out a Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in the community. None of us men would be here overgrowing the world if it wasn’t for you amazing ladies.
I lost my mom last January to Covid and I’m feeling a few kinda ways today. I was lucky enough to share my garden with my mom at the age of 78. She came from the reefer madness generation and for most of her life thought the problems of the world were because of this amazing plant. After many years I finally changed her mind about it and she wanted to see them. I’ll never forget that first moment. She walked in and said “ oh Patrick that’s the most lovely shade of green I’ve ever seen” (said the buds looked angry, lol). She was an avid gardner and would of loved to see what she could of done on her own.
If you are lucky enough to still have your mom grab hold of her and hold tight and say thank you for everything.
Love you all and have a great day!


I did this January. My heart goes out to you.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Thank you. It’s some shit for sure. Glad I’m to the point I can talk about her without falling apart. She was my best friend and biggest supporter. Left a big hole in my life. My heart to you as well.


I had a good one. Thank You!

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