Hawaiian Sativas or Hawaiian heirloom cannabis

the blue orca haze looks awesome. i have a pack from Colorado Sativas. Is it the same? I ran one this year, but it was male. very vigorous.


Those look amazing :star_struck:

Coquís. From Puerto Rico with love. Decolonizing with the aid of coquís does not sound so bad. I actually play recordings of them in El Yunke to go to sleep. Live in Europe, far away. Miss them toads.

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Im sure its the same. He has other Swami crosses too.

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Sorry no one answered you. I can tell you a little about Hawai’i and the plants grown there. Everything is started from somewhere else then grown there. I won’t bore you with the growing conditions. But some crosses happened there like Elephant ear, Puna Budder, Molokai Electric and Maui Wowie. As to maui wowie, a certain mutation was found in NYC from island bud that was developed into Mr. Greengenes Cherry Bomb, which is still a maui wowie. You can find them over there at boutique seed sellers. Ask your friends.

Good luck!


Dutch Passion 2003


How many different BOEL’s are there?
I heard of many strains carry a BOEL in front.
Be nice to explain it’s entire legacy. :thinking:

I’ve got some Afghan x BOEL seeds, and I have 1979 Maui x The One seeds. I’m hoping to get them 2 crossed soon. :dove:


As I understand BOEL stands for Brotherhood of Eternal Love and indicates a variety that was acquired by the group which was active beginning many decades ago. So they had afghans, Thais, Colombians, whatever they gathered that is attributed to the group.


White Molokai


Here: Lords of Acid – OC Weekly

It’s shocking to me that people don’t know about the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, but I guess that’s where we’re at now. Apparently Clackamas Coot was involved with them, I dunno if you’ve ever heard of him (Coot’s soil mix? You know about that?)(he’s also the guy who bred The One in that pack of seeds you have). They imported shitloads of weed in the late-60’s, dealt a lot of acid etc etc etc.

Anyway, that article’s a good read, you should check it out.


I’m sorry, but I just can’t get over this post. BOEL is NOT a cannabis strain, so I’m not sure what you mean by “Afghan x BOEL.”

It’s fucking mind-boggling to me that in this day and age, when more information than ever is available at our fingertips… The lack of intellectual curiosity… I’m truly at a loss for words.

It’s so easy to find out about this stuff. And it’s fun! Reading’s fun! Learning about the past and learning about history is fun! It’s fun to read! It’s fun to learn on your own!


Sorry, y’all, but yeah, my mind is just REELING right now.


Damn, you sound like a grumpy old man…say’s the other grumpy old man (LOL)

No one really cares anymore. It’s a shame but something I have had to come to grips with.

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I’m grumpy, but I’m not an old man yet. Maybe one day, if I’m lucky…

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If you remember that stuff your getting there. Met Terrence McKenna once, years ago. What an enlightened soul he was.


Terrance McKenna? Eh… How was he in “real life”?

I personally don’t like what I’ve heard/read about him at all. Anybody who tries to tell people how they’re “supposed” to ingest their drugs can pretty much fuck off haha. I eat, smoke and sniff as much as I want to and all at once and I’m fine with that, have a blast every time.

And that “heroic dose” thing is such utter bullshit. The EGO on that dude, to describe eating a bunch of shrooms as somehow being “heroic…” Gimme a fucking break. Every time I eat shrooms, I end up eating a quarter-ounce at least; I don’t feel like a “hero” when I do that haha. I just have a blast and trip my balls off. Anybody who’s looking for enlightenment in psychedelics is doomed from the start.

Anyway, I started following your threads, looks like you’re growing some really good and interesting stuff. I don’t wanna derail this thread more than I already have, so we can continue this conversation on one of your logs if you want.

Or not haha.


Timothy Leary and all join in the love in.

BOEL ….John Higgins



It’s not important, he was the first person I recall talking about micro dosing (ironically) and wide spread usage in clinical psychology. Thought he was crazy at the time, realized later he was quite prophetic. Kind of like Gene Roddenberry.


You obviously didn’t read the article in that link that I posted above, because if you had, you’d have read that every single person quoted in that article said (basically),”Yeah, Tim was a self-serving prick obsessed only with promoting himself.” haha…

Literally every person in that article who said anything about Tim Leary said,”It was all good until he showed up and inserted himself into the scene.”


I did read it bro

I’m only expanding the thread …I watched this earlier…and found it interesting.

I’m certainly not here challenging anything anyone has said on the thread or the documentary.

Loads of info on a BOEL…I suppose it’s what you take from it.



P J.