HCIO(hypochlorous acid) for sterile res

Been running a sterile res with clorox without issue so far but I I’ve been looking into better alternatives anyways and came across this stuff. Hypochlorous acid - Wikipedia
What is Hypochlorous Acid (HClO)? - Definition from MaximumYield

Anyone have experience using it?


Upon further investigation it’s literally just what regular bleach turns into when diluted in water. Guess I’ll keep doing what I’m doing since it seems to work. :man_shrugging:


pool shock is cheaper. also has its chlorine bonded to calcium instead of sodium


The amounts of calcium and sodium are 100% negligible at normal bleach dosing levels, IDK anyone running more than 1mL of 6% bleach per gallon…most people I talk to it’s closer to 0.1-0.2mL/gallon. And it’s already in liquid form, dirt cheap, and widely available.


Question since I’m still learning hydro, is bleach better than peroxide? I started using a tsp of 3% h2o2 in my 3qt dwc resevoir when I started having some issues.

Please teach me og hydro folk.

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Bleach is a bit more persistent, but neither last long.

I’d pick bleach, personally.


Haven’t tried h202 but thats just because I can’t source 30% food grade cheap enough. And bleach fucking works. Infact I’m pretty sure it was @vernal who put me on to it when I had serious root rot problems with a g13 she was to far gone to recover but as a preventive measure its been perfect and doesn’t effect bud taste or quality.

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It’s nice when the dollar store carries your hydro gear lol.


I get my epsom salt there too :sweat_smile:

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Me too!

Ok, so how much bleach do you use? I’m doing a res change tonight and I’m down to try it. I’ve been fighting something on my roots and want to knock that shit out.

You can go to 1mL+/gallon without negative effects, but most people don’t go past 0.5mL/gallon, and like Eugene said, he only runs 0.1mL/gallon for maintenance.

You have to redose 2-3 times a week, it evaporates quickly and organic material reduces it’s effectiveness. It only has so much “oomph” and sterilizing power. So if you’ve got a lot of biofilm sloughing off your roots from treatment, you’ll want to change the solution frequently until it evens out.


Yeah, my first few h2o2 treatments had little bits all through my water. I was changing it every 24 hours for a few days. But, theres still a bit of brown gunk that I want to get rid of.

Its my dwc experiment that started out as @MadScientist 16oz challenge, then changed after he quit OG. I figured out my roots weren’t getting enough water flow, I removed most of the cup so the roots are straight into solution now. Lots of slippery slimy brown was sloughing off when i did that. The plant is looking alot better, but still not perfect. I’m doing a water change tonight, so I’ll add like .3ml to my 3 qts, since its treatment, not preventative.

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It’s way better than hydroguard if you have pets that shed alot. Those bennies don’t kill contaminants like bleach does. Dosings dependent on res temps too. Mine stay under 75 so I can dose pretty low.


Hydroguard is like 98% water! It’s jacked up!

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Hydro store green tax!

There’s a few examples where the convenience is totally worth it, but usually, it’s a total racket. It’s where they make all their money.

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Ok, I took 1 ml of bleach and diluted it with 2 ml h2o, that should give me .33 ml/ 1 ml of mixed solution. I’m going to change out tonight and add 1ml of mix to the 1 gallon of water I make. Wish me luck!

Math checks out, won’t be any issues. It can’t fix high res temps but it can provide a buffer and help clear up problems after the fact.

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If you’re running bennies, southern ag garden friendly fungicide is a good alternative. I’ve been using a few mL in my res every few days and it seems to be doing the job.

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I will check that stuff out, Thanks.I used up a bottle of hydroguard halfway through flowering out a few plants. In dwc. I went the rest of the way using stuff called photosynthesis plus. Worked like a dream. Stuff stinks like sulfur.