(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Zephyr I just want to not the “overflow” isn’t part of the over flow run. Only the TL3 75 and TL2 75 are part of the co-op boxes.

:green_heart: :seedling:

Just a fyi


Yes, Upstate has offered to handle packaging and distribution for 25. I’ll add a clarification in the signup list.

@Upstate just to be clear, are you prepared to handle the packaging and mailing for the overflow list? if not I can close the wiki at any time.


That is Awesome @zephyr!

I just want to let growers know the requirements are being followed that had let slide causing the mess the box got into
You will so surprised when the sats will be posted.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Yeah we tried to bake some limitations into the original co-op rules to keep the scope from getting too large, but it seems like over time it got out of hand anyway.

I’ll close the wiki temporarily until we hear back from upstate.


If @Upstate will do this that would be awesome. I am thinking of doing a contest for the sats when the boxes are done :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS What are sats?


@zephyr and @G-paS no problem packaging the excess myself. Ok to Re open the WIKI😁


please add me to the "over flow"list # 6 – @ Upstate -like to give you a shout-out, it take a lot of time and effort to run these Coop Seed Runs – Thanks


Click on the edit button(bottom right corner) on the wiki and add yourself to the overflow list, it’s open for signup.


Good pollination on all plants. @zephyr it’s okay to add 25 more sign ups in addition to the other 25. I’ll take care of these 50


They look fantastic :heart:

Pz :v:t2:


I think I can add a little bit to what one could expect growing out some of these Peshawar. I had three sets of seeds given to me and I think the first set was probably the original release by Holy Smoke and was likely a back cross of Nick’s favorite phenotype. That would be Joe. The other beans I got were likely from reproductions of Peshawar done by Malberry seeds. Since these are not from a backcross the occurrence of the phenotype similar to Joe will be more rare. Out of the other plants I am growing there are a couple of them that remind me a bit of Joe and at least one of them looks like it could carry the same amount of potency. Some of the other plants would be considered substandard by many Growers but to me it says that there is a chance to find something unique in this line and that it is not bottlenecked yet. To the contrary I am seeing a good bit of diversity like you would see in any landrace line that has been worked a couple or few generations. There are at least 3 phenos.
I accidentally broke off 6" of a lower branch on one of the peshawar and after it’s dry I’ll see if there is anything smokable… I don’t know if any the seeds in it will be finished or not…


Wow, thats wonderful to hear that. This cultivar sound like it has the best phenos :blush: Catpiss, smelly feet. Love loud phenos like that, they often have the best terps after a good cure. :heart:

Pz :v:t2:


Plants are looking good!


Thanks – name added – ACE gear is very good , great genetics


I edited my post 3 posts up…more info of what to expect out of Peshawar.


Seeds are beginning to ripen sporadically, likely from the first pollination. I’ve picked out a few from several plants now.
As I mentioned before this will be a 2 part preservation. Part 2 will be a run with seeds from Joe and the same people signed up for this run are already signed up for this other one. If there is an interested person that would like to make this a twin preservation I’ll send that person some Joe seeds to join in the fun when the time arrives. If each of us get 10 plants I’m confident we would find something extra special in the offspring. Any takers? You need experience making seed, collecting/ sending pollen via mail and a flexible schedule as I don’t even know my own schedule yet😁. @Zephyr if someone joins me for part 2 would that person qualify for the Overgrower badge?


I could help out with my micro setup, the plants will be flipped after 1-2 weeks after seedling stage and I got 70 slots, half of that is already filled with my own project, but if this is something that would interest you. I’m up for it! I think I would be able to produce 1000-2000 seeds with 35-40 females.

Pz :v:t2:



heavenlygoo is on spot 5 and 65.
Can I override one of those and take a spot?


Hey @Zett didnt realize i signed up twice. I deleted number 65 so hop on this ghani train my friend.