Homemade Bloom CalMag?

Hi everyone!
Im having hard time scoring a calmag with no nitrogen, and I was thinking that maybe is not that difficult to make it, maybe with powdered ag calcium carbonate and Epsom salts??:thinking:
Does anyone has some info about it? Proportions ? Is it even possible?:smiley:
Like…if the calcium carbonate will dissolve fine and be assimilable along with the calcium sulphate?


Why no nitrogen? You don’t want to introduce it into flower?

I’ve never dealt with calcium carbonate but I add a 1/2 tsp per gallon of Epsom salts but not always.


Thanks for stopping by!
Just because I have plenty already going on in the nutrient program…im at the limit of healthy green color and I really need to supplement my RO water cause LEDs lights makes them always very hungry of Ca and Mg.

I have micronized gypsum, dolo and calcium carbonate laying around…

Its weird cause im finding opposite info about the General Organics Calmag…in some analysis they say that theres nitrogen from magnesium nitrate and some other say that uses magnesium carbonate so 0 N !!!


If you go with gypsum that will cover your calcium and sulfer then all you need is epsom salts to get your magnesium and a bit more sulfer. You don’t say what you re growing in but if its soil, the gypsum won’t affect your soil PH so you can load it up.


Yup soil! a little bit more than 5 gallons in the pots! I was thinking to trow a TBS of gypsum top dress a week…I read peeps in coco having good results using a TSP x gal of soil as top dress…

Ill update on how it goes…
meanwhile I really hope I could find a dosage for calcium carbonate…it will be badass to use it in that way!


I have 10 gal pots doing no till, so I use a 1/4 cup of Gypsum as a top dress, every 4-6 weeks depending on how fast they are growing or flowering.

So…just for the record, the gypsum didnt hurt but neither did anything…so i went and bought from the Canna Mono nutes one bottle of Calcium and another of Mg (the last one is just epsom salts with water at a strenght of 7% Mg so could be avoidable having already the dry salts)
Anyway i started mix my own Calmag with a proportion of 6:1 calcium to mg…

For the first time i managed to get to harvest without calmag deficiencies but honestly as far as dosage i was still not knowing exactly what to do, so i went for a 1ml x liter of Ca and 0.16 ml x liter of that Mg…with fairly good results, no deficiencies and the medicine was veeeery sugary tasting…

Now i got a EC meter , after calibrating it i tested the water from my dehum and got a reading of 9 PPM on a 0.5 conv scale…
In a liter of that water i added 1 ml of Canna mono Calcium and got a reading of 655 PPM total…
Now…on the bottle says 15 % Ca…
So that means that in those 646 PPM that i added the 15% is Calcium Oxide right?
So is it correct to say that 1ml of that product adds 96.9 PPM of calcium to a Liter of water??? :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

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Thats what the math says, but if its not evenly dispersed in the bottle then that may not be correct.

Thanks to stoppin by! I wish they will add the PPM infos on this supplements :smiley:
I tested also 1ml of Mono Canna Magnesium (7%Mg) and it added a total of 228PPM that should means more or less 16PPM of Mg…

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Again the math is right, as this is measuring particles and not actual weight, do you know if the different particles in the mixture are the same size?

I dont use an EC meter, so I dont know if everything is the same molecular size and weight. You may have more particles of something but less mass of a smaller number of something else, but should be if its an even distribution. At that level it may not make any difference lol.