How did you find

Glad you decided to participate. We are a pretty mellow group around here. Most are willing to help others, post up a thread and they will come… :wink:


Thanks. Nothing better than a sharing community where the majority have things in common :slight_smile:


Lurked my way here, discovered the first grow site ever where the signal to noise ratio wasn’t complete crap.


I jioned because PSam said ReikoX had a tincture thread here and said I in


A Breeder contact down in Maryland, Maryland Masher (IG) mentioned the site. He knew what he was talking about!!! No need to wander anymore.


I, too, found this place reading MARIJUANA HORTICULTURE! I was having MAJOR brain-fartitis and couldn’t for the life of my plants remember how I heard about this site until I read your post and saw the light!


in ´04 i was joining OG just to be on an english forum(beside the german forum,i was a member back then)…to improove my english skills and to learn from growers around the world! First Time i read/heard about OG,was in a CannaMagazin,if i remember right ?
from ´09 to now i´m a member on OpenGrow . after lurking for some months,i decidet to re-join Overgrow some days bevor. :slight_smile:


Just wanted to shout out to all newbies, whether new to growing or new to the site… You totally belong here!
Ask a jillion questions and read read read! I was pretty new once and have never been shamed by a member here for asking even the dumbest or most trivial of questions. Most people here are super cool and full of great information and will do their best to help you out. We’ve all made plant mistakes, killed them, grown really puny ugly fucked up plants. We even have an Ugly Plant Thread! lol So don’t let your lack of experience shy you off, let it empower you to interact and learn. The stoners here are awesome! You will find that it’s a respect filled culture. Happy Growing!


Thanks, as the oldest newbie here :grin: I can certificate every single word you’ve said. I haven’t found anywhere the ambiance that reigns in this community and just avoiding to post pics of my plants and asking dumb questions people think I am an expert grower :innocent: .

There’s tonnes of info and people willing to help, so I encourage newcomers to join and participate as there are no previous skills required.

I started in CC forums and was a real PITA for Shadey and LabRat. One day, when I was ending my first grow that forum disappeared, I felt like an orphan :sweat: and started to visit other sites.

Fortunately, LabRat was in one of them (other nickname but same avatar :sweat_smile:), I asked him where was Shadey and he answered “He’s in OG”, like if you say “He is in New York”.

Fortunately I swallowed my pride and asked him back what the heck was OG.

The rest you all know, you won’t find me anywhere, still in the never ending learning curve but proud to be member of this wonderful community … :sunglasses:


Online research for the war on drugs. I was blown away at how poorly that war was being fought and how taxpayer dollars were being wasted on a war the US government wasn’t winning and didn’t want to win.


google since i was having non-stop issues with and TBH, I am over the freaking moon that i found OG. it is a million times better than


Well certain agencies within the g o v have long controlled the supply and distribution of narcotics in the Americas the same way they have controlled who’s in charge of every country south out us on this Continent…it has and will always be controlled by that central agency…cartels are set by us even the amount of, location of busts are all sorted on gov letterhead before they happen…it’s all smoke and mirrors always has been (coming from a guy who has sat in handcuffs)


I found OG from referrals on my github page for my cultivation app! i havent been much of a forum lurker since the phpbb days pre mobile internet and got sucked into the social media side of things, mainly reddit et al. coming back to a forum based community is a nice change of pace though. much better format than reddit imo


I had a interest in growing back in the early 2000’s and was googling information trying to figure out where to start, i found overgrow and joined… After it went down i didn’t think much and then almost a year ago i was trying to remember what it was called and stumbled upon the new overgrow… The original is what gave me the push to start growing to begin with and the new overgrow gave me the motivation again…


Mr Soul :fist: . That sums it up .


I had a buddy in high school who told me about the og forums back when I was just getting into smoking. I tried to look them up years later when I finally learned what forums were and why people used them, only to find the site was down.

I have just joined but have completed grow journals at the old which I can no longer find, sadly.


My Man @shadey was here after his site where he was a Mod shut down.
Good man to have as a Mod, kind,gentle and Good Hearted.

Oh I forgot A Fantastic Artist too
Maybe someday he will do one of my Dog


found og in the early 2000’s while searching for info on growing weed … they had a special forum just for old farts back then …loved hanging out there …then due to life moving on i was unable to grow for about10 years …but now that i am back am enjoying it a lot …looks to me like a lot of yall grew up since then and it seems to be a better more mellow place these days …


Do we still have an Old Farts Club if not I can make a thread up , would be fun to shoot the shit with some fellow old timers 60plus maybe?


Somewhere around 2000 I remember finding og , ironicaly I was researching mycology related matters and there was a huge several hundred page identification/growing Manuel that I printed out. I wouldent be surprised if it was buried in my stuff somewhere still. Was at a time when info like that was harder to come by then in the modern age of information sharing. Upon sighning up I realized the hords of other valuable information that was being accumulated there.