How I beat mites...for free!

I cut a couple clones that I wasn’t in a hurry to use so I put them in glasses of water next to some houseplants in a window. Stupid mistake they picked up mites and by the time I had noticed I had already put one into my Rubbermaid tub veg box with my other mothers. Sure enough when I checked they had spread to the other moms…two spotted bastards too.

I trimmed them all back to like one tiny branch with a couple leaves each. Every day I took them into the bathroom, covered the soil with a plastic bag and blasted the hell out of them top to bottom under the tub faucet. I kinda worked the leaves around under the stream with my hands too. While they were in the tub drying I sprayed the Rubbermaid with 99% isopropyl top to bottom (fan and intakes too).

I did this every day for a couple weeks and can now confidently say that they’re mite free… I’ve been checking with a scope every couple days for over a week now and no sign.

Obviously this isn’t going to work on a big packed bud room, but it’s an easy way to save a couple mothers or small veg plants.

I was extremely lucky that I hadn’t finished my veg room in the basement yet because its right next to my (full) bud room and I likely would have lost everything.

Anyways maybe someone will find this useful, be diligent!


Nice work man!!!


I will take cuts with mites because I do the same thing, reduce them down to 1 or 2 leaf’s and manually remove the eggs.
Have not tried water blasting, use a sprayer and soak them then rub with my fingers. Keep doing it, not long the lil bastages are gone.
Cool, glad you won!


Good trick. I’ve never had mites before and thought they were more or less impossible to ever get rid of. They ain’t so bad :sunglasses:



I recently dumped out some ISO/water mixture from cleaning bubblebags(maybe 1/2 water) onto pavement weeds(ones that are unphased by anything except fire–sedge) & it NUKED them. I’ll be waiting to see how long until something regrows.




What’s your dilution ratio?

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Where do you find 99% isopropyl alc? How much did you dilute?


Shoukld get it at any pharmacist, ask for rubbing alcohol.

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Note that I didn’t spray the plants with ISO at all, I sprayed the box they live in with it while the plants were drying in the bathtub. I only blasted the plants with water under the tub faucet.

I got my 99% at a local drugstore.


It won’t completely get rid of them and if your in flowering mode it will burn them

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Do not ask for rubbing alcohol when looking for isopropyl, rubbing alcohol is only 70% isopropyl, ask specifically for 99+% isopropyl alcohol.


I’ve always noticed that stores either have it or they don’t. Also some sell 70% and 91% which is just weird lol

Only thing I ever noticed with the 99+% stuff, was some stores actually kept it behind the counter and you had to actually ask for it…

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Never thought to ask, it always feels sketchy. Especially when I ask if they have any chilled ones :cocktail:


The 70% is food grade, I believe and it also works use less water.
Its what I used, I didn’t buy anything special but after a while they start getting ahead of you.
I used milk, some sulphur based stuff that smelled like sewage.
Bug bombs, ISO.
Reading about them they’re impervious to cold they will hide in cracks. They get into spots that you wouldn’t even imagine. Places where water and sprays and fog don’t get into.

I thought about throwing gear outside in the winter time, ppssshhh.

Just like pm you think you’re getting somewheres and then your not
I always thought if the world would come to an end alligators, snapping turtles, cockroaches and mites would still be around.


Predator mites will sniff them out, where ever they hide.


“I always thought if the world would come to an end alligators, snapping turtles, cockroaches and mites would still be around.”

And Keith Richards


I would try a mitigation plant

Ok where can you get preditor mites?


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