SOS any intel!?

They r on one specific plant should I just toss it


Two spotted mites. Kill them all


Yes I’m sorry to say I must agree.


Ditto……. Spidermites
Just because you don’t see damage on other plants doesn’t mean they aren’t infected, treat them all as if they have them too.


No need to toss it if you are willing to battle them but it would be easiest to chuck it.


@herojuana.tom How to battle it seems to be they took a liking to a smaller plant that will be no problem to throw away

Diluted spray consisting of alcohol and water ?

Second pick bottom left …

She’s almost there but not to the point of taking even for hash

Brought it upon myself brought three inside my buddy never picked up for outdoors :crazy_face:

How long till they absolutely reek havoc …

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You will start seeing damage in a couple weeks unless you do something now……


The big plant has a minimum of two weeks left little ones maybe a month …don’t wanna spray them with neem oil … any suggestions brother

We have so manyyy houseplants as well :sweat_smile:


A couple options:

Vicious chemicals. They work. But that’s your call.

Fart around with various organic hot pepper whatever techniques.

Pitch it all.

The scrog limits your ability to hose them off and maybe slow them down.

How far exactly along are you? My move would likely be to let it ride for 2 weeks and then turn it all into hash.

I doubt they’ll stay on one plant for long.

I’ve only had to deal with them once, with clones, and I wasn’t heavily invested so I just tossed them all.


The most uninvasive tactic I know is to take that plant and the ones around it and take them and hose them down real good. Then spray them with dawn soap and water.


Literally was thinking about cayenne pepper red pepper flakes and flour but then I’d have to wash the buds …prolly will have to anyway …

The scrog deff limits mobility but I can take the small containers out no problem …I could give a shit about the little ones big momma is what has me worried !

Six weeks into flower …
Curious to why you’d turn it all into hash !!

Tbh I noticed one plant always had a problem and go figure she’s the one housing these Ill organisms

First time I’ve had mites the bad kind

This method is used in flower ?

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Yes I have used it in flower, can always wash whatever buds you harvest. With spidermites I would wash the buds anyway…….


Fun fact an adult lady bug lives up to a year eats nine mites a hour or up to 75-100 a day seen like twenty out in the orchard other day think I’ll find any when I’m actually looking …

I gotta hose
I have spray bottles
Got the soap

Tonight I might just give her a shot

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I would assume all these plants are infected now… those buggers can really get around.

A buddy of mine who runs a warehouse grow uses this formula for homemade green cleaner and swears by it… green cleaner is expensive but this is a totally affordable equivalent:

That recipe can be scaled down:
A gallon is ~3785ml
divide that by 20 (number of drops per ml) gives ~189ml
then subtract the amount that will be added (14d+12d+8d=34drops=1.7ml)
→ 189ml -1.7ml = 187.3ml

7-8 drops of Sal Suds (soap)
12-13 drops Canola oil
14-15 drops of ISO alcohol
add to 187.3 ml of water.

This needs to be sprayed on to the plants and they must be completely coated… miss a spot and you might miss some bugs. The eggs hatch every three days so you need to spray every third day to get the newly hatched eggs. Spray 3x at 3 day intervals: Day 0, day 3, day 6. After that, the mites should be eradicated from the plants. Sadly, if they are in your media, have escaped and are infecting your houseplants or outdoor plants near your grow, or some are left crawling around your space, they will come back so you need to be vigilant and thorough in your battle.


Good advice…….

Buy yeah, alcohol and oil don’t make for happy trichomes :sob:


Because I like hash :joy: (I’d still wait to chop. I wouldn’t take them right now)

And if you make bubble it washes itself.

You have options but they all have drawbacks.


Not needed really, soap alone will cut them down enough to get him through….


Definitely… it will wash off any bugs but also wash off the oils and terps. Sadly mites bite the big one.

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