How much head room for a 300 watt led?

I literally have 1 ft left if my tent, and I am currently on week 2 of flowering! I am unsure of the genetics so I dont know what to expect. The nodes look like they are slowing down but theres no telling for sure. I never topped them because I didnt want to deal with shock or anything like that. I hope they stop growing up and concetrate on fattening them buds!

i find i get bleached tips at about a foot and a half with blurple leds

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Wow, pretty stretchy :), you are getting out of space :slight_smile:

In general I leave enough room to not to burn leaves by heat. If I can comfortably leave my hand’s back at the level without feeling any excessive heat it is OK for plants too.

I don’t have experience with LEDs, I prefer large shields covering wide area. LEDs are sometimes too concentrated on spots.

That trick does not work with LEDs… learned that through unfortunate experience :expressionless: But yeah, as said, LEDs are quite concentrated/focused, so even though the light isn’t hot, it can most certainly be too intense for happy plants.

The pic above instills fear in my heart. You’ll very likely get bleached buds on the main colas, and if you’re only 2 weeks into flower, they’ll probably stretch a bit more. Anyway, seems like you don’t have much of a choice other than to keep going and see how it turns out – you’ll probably still get some good smoke off of them, and you’ll learn from the experience :slight_smile:

Side note: yeah, topping does add a bit of time to vegging, and can stunt growth if the plant is too young. However, topping and training helps you keep plants at a manageable size, and keep more bud sites in the ideal height range for your lighting. I’d highly recommend topping a low-stress training for your next round.


You need to super crop the tops and lst those big girls quick. If you top them you will lose some yield this late in the game. If you try to crop them and tie them down the worst thing that can happen is an accidental topping.

I guess I could raise the light about 5 inches also. I will try and Lst when I get home, the lights come on at 6 pm. I’ll post some pics when im done. Heres a pic when I watered them the other day

Move that light on up. Id suggest very simple lst for no stress. Just pull the tops back slightly so the light is shining down all the stems unstead of right at the top colas.

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Wish I could send in pics. I had this exact situation a while back in my current grow. 55 Plants in too small a space, with no room for horizontal training. So I super-cropped everything that was going to run into the lights. Most didn’t need tying, but of those that did, no problem. A bonus is these are some of the largest buds I’ve ever grown indoors. It’s like a tall scrog with no net. Just crack the stems and make sure they are just below the horizontal. Have some tape, twine and stakes with you in case repairs are needed.

why cant you post pics?? if you need any help you can pm me:)