How do you adjust height from seed to flower?

How do you adjust height from seed to flower?



If you are needing to adjust the height of your light ratchet hangers are one method.


The key is, to lower the light to provide maximum light power, but not too close to burn/fade your plants.

It’s really just a matter of getting to know how to read your plants.

I have a big plant flowering under a 315 cmh.

It’s my first time ever using a 315 cmh.

The internet gave me a specific distance to run the light, but I got lazy and didn’t raise the light. It’s now only about 6 in from the top.

No signs of fading approaching 8 weeks, and the cola is pushing a shit ton of new growth…

I’ll post a picture when lights come on.


My lights have dimmers so I mount them high and use the dimmer. I have them hung with ratchet straps just in case I need to adjust

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That’s nice. I like the colors

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I always heard 30” seedling slow move it to 24”in veg and then during flower between 12-16”

If you want to avoid new growth toward the end sometimes the lights need to be backed off, and temps possibly dropped, strain/situation dependent

At this point I kind of wish for drivers with the remote dimmer wires.

For LEDs those Dr. Meter lux meters give a useful reading, get one with enough range


great,Lately I’ve been trying to adjust the height. It’s best if I can keep up with them and avoid burning

yes,i try to

With LEDs I don’t go by height as much as by light output. I don’t have a real PAR meter and use a lux app on my phone. I know it’s not precise, but it’s a pretty constant ball-park. I adjust output with a dimmer and push plants as far as they will take it… it’s pretty easy to read plants that are over-saturated with light. They will look droopy and “tired” towards end of the day. If you keep pushing them, stress marks and burn spots will form on leaves and buds.

Some strains can take more light than others, it also depends on your environment and feed regime, but in general what works for me is along these lines:

  • 10k lux early veg
  • 30k lux late veg
  • up to 60k lux flower when you cut your timer to 12/12

I can once again recommend videos by Dr. Bugbee, they are on Youtube and a tremendous resource - learn about DLI!


It depends.

Does your light come with manufacturers instructions? Can you look online?

This is the way.

I run long flowering nld stuff and so one of the tricks I use to keep them manageable is to give them as much intense light as they’ll handle. As @Orloff says, watch the plants and you’ll see when they start to get unhappy, then raise the light a bit. It’s always given me nice tight internodes so that when they stretch, I’ll end up with a plant that doesn’t stretch into the light and is a 2-3’ round bush. Each strain will tell you when it’s too much and just back that off. It’s easier with LEDs than CMH or HPS but I did it with them for years too, just mind the heat.

Guerrero x Michoacan from Snowhigh

Oaxacan x Chocolate Thai IBL from Swami in a 10 gallon, just flipped


So the short answer is, blast them with light until they look unhappy, then raise ~6 inches and watch your heat. YMMV but it works for me :call_me_hand: