How to build soil from hardpan and clay

After 6 months… tips of lots of the garlic are yellow from a late frost,( the ones far enough along to get burned at the time)not from deficiency. “Soil” is crumbly…


This is the land my people farms. we used manure, compost, fully broken down and rotten logs, any kind of organic material. This stuff is bad bad bad in rainy springs.


That bentonite clay is definitely some sticky stuff. It’s the main ingredient in quality face masks.
Late this summer I’m going to put all sorts of dead stuff on the beds that have no garlic in them. I wish I had more time. I have lots of rotten logs on the property I could use


Sounds like a good opportunity to test out Hugelkultur mound growing.



@Gpaw Hugelkulture is a really neat way to grow, especially for those with poor soil. I hope to get some time to set up a bed this summer to use next season. Hopefully i find some time.


I’ve been watching you tubes of folks hunting out clay sources, to craft things from clay.
Section off an area, sell the clay, down to a couple of feet, then buy trucks loads of quality soil.
IDK, one value for another?


I often wonder what it would be like to go back in time and tell local Farmers that someday they would be able to sell their rocks and water…That’s a great idea about selling clay and using the money to buy soil. I don’t think I have the right property for something like that unfortunately, but there are local places where the natives used to come and gather clay for their pottery, so surely properties like that exist around here.


Yeah, I was kind amazed also, when I first found the folks, just digging into their soil, then following some steps to separate the clay, from the dirt, rocks and other matter.
I then found the Dorodango balls, or simply mud balls, that folks are making, that are stunningly beautiful.
Just the other day, was watching the ancient way of pottery making, out in Arizona, all by hand.
The First People, were so resourceful , and such masters are so many life crafts, soil biology, breeding turkey, guineas and many other things.
Anyway that idea struck me, and I just wanted to pass it along.
Wish you and yours, all the best!


This guy is great! He does a great job at explaining how to create healthy soil.