How to up potency

What’s the best way to get the max potency from.your flower??.


Good genetics. Grown well. Maybe make hash if potency is your ultimate goal.


there is pseudo way but its not proven, its called flushing.


Welcome to OG @Zombie420 !
Explore the site a little and delve into the info available here regarding a particular style of growing which may suit you best. Because…
happy, healthy robust plants produce the best flowers, which optimize the genetic potency potential thereof.

Good luck, and have fun!


i supplement uv light, i use a 8ft t5 uva/b plus. i am not sure if it increases unless i did a side by side, i hust know i read about it years back and tried it, so maybe a mental thing. i have flushed using ice water the last few days of flower, again not sure if they helped, and i even spilt the stalk on one. in the end they all smoke good, i would suggest adding a uv light, run it up to 20 mins a day in flower. also the genetics you use play a role,


Make sure every parameter is on point:
-o2 on soil
-root-zone temperature

and most important

If you dial everything you’re set for potency, yield, good quality flowers. Everything.
UV can help on boosting THC on cannabis, but UV doesnt make miracles, only raise THC on 5% to 15%.
Your best bet to have a real potent flower is to buy a really potent genetics and take good care of her.


I appreciate that but money’s tight


I know. As a Brazilian (my money is worth 5x less) I know what it’s not like to have money for good genetics hahahah

It’s complicated and sometimes good genetics can be very expensive.
I would tell you to go with what you have and show more of yourself, as you post more here people will trust you more.

And also pay attention to the breeder’s lab and trading post forums, there is a lot of good stuff there and often for free. Like this run that was offered on the weekend


I agree with all above. Genetics are #1. Once you got that it’s all about you growing the plants to their potential. Hang around and get to know some people as there are tons of great genetics some great growers here. I am in Canada as well so can likely help you out once I get home in a week.

What’s your style? Soil, coco, dwc? What lights do you use?


Man that would be so awsome I love indicas personally I grow in soil and I rub 2 3x3s one with a mars tsw2000 for veg and the other with a mars ts1000 and a tsw2000 for flower


Tell you what bud, message me next Monday as I will be home at that point. I will send you something as a welcome to the site. I have well over 100 strains in the vault so I am sure I can do something for you. Welcome to OG.


Holy shit Doug my heart is racing …Thank you so so much a few of the strains I wanna get my hands on are gg4 , girl scout cookies , ethos genetics in house genetics , and there’s so much I’ve seen I like but again thank you so so much


No worries bud. Just remember to message me next Monday and I will find you something nice.


Will do !!!


I’ve heard the uv one. Also, its rumored that dropping the temps at the end helps. Probably makes them produce more trichomes, which would up thc and terps. I’ve accidently done that last one, and things do get frosty, but then pm wrecked it, so I watch the temp/humidity swings now to much to try it again. I saw a youtube show where they were interviewing the guys who had the highest thc tests at that time, and thats what they said to do. Lower temps and simulate fall towards the end. Gotta be dialed in pretty good against mildew to take the risk tho.


Give them as much light as they can handle, lots of air, and plenty of nutrients. Grow stronger varieties.

All there is to it.


Focus on your plants and not what everyone else is doing. Make the best of what you got. And be quick on the scope.


Really it’s about two things, genetics and environment. You can the most optimal environment but with crappy genetics it won’t matter. Goes the other way too, could have the best genetics in the world but if the environment sucks it will produce crap.

All the other things are just hearsay broscience and again, none of the broscience will matter if you have crap genetics or a bad environment.


Top secret


Genetics and grower skills…forget the snake oils