Iamthecheesegods: Back from Cancellation - Biggest Indoor Grow Yet

So, after relieving myself of the burden that slept in my house, ate my food, used my soap, and did my drugs, I have an extra room available to me and my medical card!
This will be the first time I’ve ever been able to dedicate an entire room to a grow, and it has been so, so long since I’ve done an indoor. I am looking at a spectacular ~225ft^2!!

With a 400w electronic ballast fluoro array, a 150w HPS farming lamp with the ballast all nice and built into the reflector so all one has to do is plug and play, and my big baby, the 600w HPS with cool tube and top-down reflector, 225 square feet is more than enough to veg, clone, and flower all in one space.

So the plan is to scaffold the middle of the room to block the vegetative light schedule from fucking with the flowering and vise versa. The cloning will simply happen in a humidity dome in the veggy side of the room. The 400w array is perfect for thick, luscious growth because the ballast produces little to no heat from hardware or bulb, so you can stuff the plant tops right up in between the fixtures if you want to and they won’t burn.

The 150w HPS might as well just go into veg as well to expand into the oh, so wonderful, perpetual harvest. Stagger cloning so that 4-6 plants are switching to 12/12 every two to four weeks. The 150w acts as a stabilizer, exposing the saplings to the harsher HPS type orange light before flowering, but not quite done at veg. I am tired, so I hope that makes any sort of sense.

Then, of course, the 600w will constantly kick 12/12 from the first day there are some bushes ready to bust their cherries. I have a 14 or 16 inch squirrel cage I’m going to build a muffler around so I can vent out the window. The window will be locked open slightly, with a bamboo shade covering the entire window port, then a black cloth just in case, and then I’ll attach the ventilation box to the window itself.

I don’t know what strain I’m going to be putting in there yet because I’ve been so out of the grow scene since OG crashed.
For my ex’s privacy and my own, I’ll be posting pictures once the build has actually begun; After all of her shit is out of my house.

This was just a preliminary post to, I guess, gather my main points about how the grow will function. Specifics can be dealt with when I am far less tired.
Wish me luck!


Good luck! I will be rebuilding my workshop at the beginning of the year. I’m always looking for ideas and inspiration.


Excited to see this will be keeping my eye on this thread :sunglasses: did you manage to find some beans then?


Unfortunately I have had no luck getting beans yet. I’m actually quite reserved when it comes to what other people put in my grow space. This dickhead I know gave me 6 X-13 clones a couple years back and within 24 hours I had mites.

I thought he had finally calmed down and stopped hating me, but no: He was so pissed about how I live my life with no regard for him, don’t speak to him unless it’s, “Shut your whore mouth about my life or I’ll put your eye out with my dick and you can really whine.”
The guy hates me because I’m not a gigantic hippie who lives in a yurt and I haven’t given up the internet because technology is baaaad! Errrrr fire bad!!!

I will never understand why someone would get SO mad as to ruin an entre grow space because the dude didn’t like how I live my life. I told him I had this wonderful idea his clones gave me. He leaned in… And I punched him in the ear and told him if he ever spoke to me again, mites would be more of a tickle in comparison.

Sorry for the ill-will and threatening the dude, BUT HE KILLED MY GROW BY GIVING ME SPIDER MITES ON PURPOSE!

Honestly if I ever do see the guy again I’m gonna pull a Fight Club and punch him as hard as I can in the ear for that.

Everything is coming along great though! I wish I could show you guys what I’m doing, but my ex took NONE of her shit with her when she bolted to CO because I wasn’t putting up with her doing speed and stealing my painkillers anymore.

I’ll try and get some pics up this evening!

Thnks guys!


You can buy fem seeds from linda seeds for like 3$ usd a piece.


I’m getting all these PMs telling me that. Some of these cats are super upset I don’t know this!
Remember guys, I have grown 3 crops since original OG and they were all outdoor bag seed.
How do I know where to score seeds after all this time?


I was just saying… I saw them mentioned here and realized they’re a poor mans gold mine lol. I ended up with 10 purple kush auto fems plus a freebie for like 36 canadian! I’ve yet to find cheaper


Pretty much everything I have seed wise came from OG, aside from clones and a few from friends or bagseeds. I can take a look through when i get home in the am and see what all I have, only problem I have currently is I’m broke as fuck and dont have the $for postage.

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Happy Holidays to all the OG homies out there. On Christmas eve I received in the mail thirty f2 crosses from a free seed bank that was recommended very highly by multiple people.
We have:
Bubba Kush x Sweet Tooth (mmmm, Sweet Tooth!) by Howard Crane
Gorilla Slippers (GG4 x C90) by Howard Crane
Oregon Huckleberry by Mongobongo

I have two sacks of Foxfarm organic potting soil to start these lovely ladies off in. I could use new peat pellets, but paper towel in a ziplock and straight to final medium will do until I can afford the little things like that. I also need to get my 380w electronic fluoro array back from a friend so I can strip the extra bedroom of all my ex’s shite and begin washing down the walls and shampooing the carpets.
As soon as I can take care of that, I just need to grab some outdoor greenhouse plastic to put down over the carpetting of the grow area. And of course, I’ll need mylar blankets on the walls for light reflection.

But I have my equipment and some nice genetics to start off with, so I am happy. Right now my right arm isn’t working so well because of its constant dislocation and that after I have seizures the right side of my body stops responding as easily… This just means that the construction of the grow space is going to take me a little longer than it might take an able bodied person.

I do hope to impress you all with my handicapabilities!

More updates to come! Stay tuned!


The operation has forked into two parts, as I am suddenly blessed with an abundance of genetics, lights, safe places to grow far away from authorities (and I’m legal!), and a partner who is as excited to get started with someone of my skill as I am to have a partner to pick up any slack that occurs!

Tomorrow I’m heading back into town, only to, a few hours later, go back out of town to the secondary grow site, or the place we can grow just fine while I prepare the prime location.

Then the prime location will be changing when my Padawan and myself convert a building on that property that isn’t being used into an insulated, electrified, pulmbed studio apartment with built in custom-made grow cells (3x veg, flower, breeding), and an entertainment center wired into the walls and powered by a 100MBps duplex fiber optic connection, with its source not 3 blocks away from the site.
If I can’t afford the fiber installation, I already have the antenna for a wireless broadband connection at… ~50MBps duplex, which is still baller at 3 blocks from the source.

This setup and tempory veg site elsewhere is running 380w of the latest in fluoro tube tech, including a heatless electronic ballast, and about 75-90w of LEDs. All in a bathroom’s tub with the light sources coming from every direction and angle, covering a space for about 8 plants in the center of a jaccuzzi bath tub.
It’s not bad considering we literally did fuckall to prep the room to take any life or power constraints, and our only ventillation is out the ceiling toilet fan for stinky craps.

I am very excited to have 2 places to keep mine and my Padawan’s genetics safe and continually growing, safe and far from authorities, and a third one to begin construction this week.

Tomorrow I am heading out to the “staging” area offsite, and will get some pictures and information on all our ghetto rigged equipment, and the state of 3 or 4 Mothers we can freely clone from.

Give me til the end of the outdoor season for North America, 2020, and I will be pushing forward the gift of free name brand seeds that I myself was gifted on Xmas Eve 2019!
By November 2020, I will be able to send out Gorilla Slippers, Oregon Huckleberry, and (Sweet Tooth x Bubba Kush), as well as crosses betwixt all these strains, and probably a few ‘We Made These!’ strains that I won’t be able to guarantee any features of, made by crossing the name brands with our current batch of nameless strains.

I’m also considering cooking a batch of STS to feminize seeds with to send out to anyone who asks. I will 100% cook a batch of it if I get enough response to considering it.

If you want to get on my waiting list right this second, and be guaranteed a batch of whatever strains I pump out before there’s a limit on how many there ARE to send, send me a DM with a safe email address in it. You’ll be contacted from an encrypted email account based in Switzerland about where and when to send them.
I’m also willing to send clones if anyone likes the look of the plants we have going throughout the start and continuation of this op.

I just want OG back to its former glory, and I want to be a part of that journey. I am protected via various anonymization measures, and no concrete, “forever” email address to speak with other growers from. But every email account Iamthecheesegods will ever use will be encrypted, based in Switzerland with no fucks given to what the US gov’t wants, and only accessed via enough TOR, SOCKS proxy, and VPN connections to mask the account’s actual owner 10x over.
So feel safe dealing with me!
And keep fucking watching my goddamn multi-headed, ever increasing in complexity grow, and breeding programs!


April 1st, 2020

I have prepped some plastic bags and paper towels to begin germing my three main strains for a session of selective breeding. I have a S facing window I keep house plants in all winter and no one can see it because the window points at my very closed off and blind back yard.
This will allow me to veg all the starters at once, but as soon as I see puberty, any male I find will be bagged over his head til he nuts out enough genetic material for me to impregnate a single branch of whatever fem I desire.

BUT!! I do have an 80w 2ft tube fluoro that’s plug n play and makes very little heat. Perfect for seedlings.
Each seedling will go into a red Solo cup and will be given a designation according to strain, strain to cross with, etc.

My first priority is to get seeds our for the free seed project, so I might do 2 crops to start. I veg out my gals, clone, flower clones to determine sex, and also to fully cross breed entire plants instead of branches.

Another set of clones taken at the same time will be purely for production; going from 80w fluoros to 380w T5 electronic ballast, to my 600w HPS with built on cool tube. I’m hoping I can get a QP every 2-2.5 months with a proper SOG under that 600w.

The room I’m going to be turning into the space still has a bunch of my ex’s shit in it, so that has to go for real.
Without the fucking bed, frame, PC desk, tv… Anyway, too much shit I shouldn’t be responsible for is getting tossed so I can begin prepping the space. I was thinking of dividing up the room with office cubicle dividers covered in mylar. Or tarps hanging from the ceiling and walls. Anything I do will end up light tight and mylar covered anyway.

Another build in the works is an anti-smell, almost no noise, light blocking housing for the inside of the window. This box will be attached to it’s mounts via rubber rings to reduce vibrations, a fan, and carbon filter inside it. The window will get a bamboo screen covering it up with speaker material behind it to block any (ANY) image coming through.

I’ll do a whole article about the build of just the vent box.
It’s late.
I’ll post more tomorrow


Hope all is well with you


Very nice Line UP man