Frank's Garden Chronicles

Here we finally go…

Going to finally start a grow log. Been growing off and on for a while now and all mediums have been tried.
There’s only a couple of us here so the grows are typically smaller plants along with small counts, home grow.

I’ve found it to be more satisfying to grow excellent smoke instead of alot of smoke. There are 2 tents up and running currently. One has TGA Strawberry Daiquiri and the other has an F1 cross I made earlier this year, Frosty Blue OG (Elite Genetics) X Unicorn Poop (Thug Pug).

I like taking pics so there will be some in this journal for sure lol.

The homemade cross is in a 3x3 being fed with MegaCrop and growing in 3.9g AutoPots. Medium is Nectar for the Gods #2 with an extra helping of perlite and hydroton in the bottom.
The lights are Timber Grow Lights COBs, my favourite light out of many that I’ve tried out.

Strawberry Daiquiri 3 plants, 3 phenos:

She was getting taller than I was wanting.

Strange variegation I’ve not seen before.

Group shot-

Right on.


Here is where I’m currently at with my concoction in the 3x3-
Acclimating and getting adjusted for the big light.

First put into the 3x3 and Tx’d to the autoPots.

And, today…, just flipped to flower this a.m…


On deck:
Sweet Chem. I have only gotten 1 for 5 to pop. The shells are very thick, hard.

Oct 1st

I finally gave up and started some Skittles Vibes. I was told these were hard to pop so I went back to the paper towel method for these.

And today; I’ll put them in Rapid Rooters later on this afternoon and crack the remaining seeds to see what happens.

We are pretty excited for these!


Looks like a fun grow. Thanks for sharing.

Group shot has lotsa yellow leaves and big white pistils. Hungry? Lockout?



Hungry, feeding 2.0 right now. It’s just getting caught up from when the ball dropped…


My bad. Have no idea what 2.0 means and am clearly out of my league.


EC, sorry. About 1000ppm. I will bump it to 1200 this evening, been slowly increasing the feed so’s not to cause anymore issues with them. The lights are only at 50% also.


Looking good! That stalk you bent sure did learn its lesson.

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I’ve seen posts saying that type of light yellow between the veins of the leaf can indicate a magnesium deficiency. Which can often be from a lockout of some type.

What did you think of Unicorn Poop? I’m growing an F2 of it right now.

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Totally could be a mag deficiency. I’ve treated it for that and nothing has ever changed. It’s had this look since the first set of true leaves.

I never got any females from the 6 seeds I popped. There was only males with one being a great looking specimen so I threw it in with my only seed of the Frosty Blue OG and took my chances.


Magnesium deficiency can be a pain as it doesn’t show signs for around 30days+-. A foliar feed can help speed the process up.

I only tried this once but if you have a small cup or something similar to put over the buds as an over spray shield(hold in place don’t set on bud and let go!), you can hit the fan leaves without stressing the buds getting hit.

Too much Mg can cause calcium issues so a water soluble calcium, I use gypsum, added to the foliar wouldn’t be the worst idea unless you know your calcium is all good!

I just picked up a few pack of lucky dogs chemborne 13. Did you end up not getting any of your sweet Chem seeds to pop?

Pulling up a chair!

Big love :potted_plant:

Edit: just saw that you mentioned it’s had the variegation since birth!


Thanks for the info!

Yeah, she’s been like that since the beginning. Caused me a bit of grief trying to address the issues with the other two not needing attention. That’s the issue with AutoPots, having different needs for each plant and feeding one regimen. For all I know, I could have worsened the issue but I’m driving them home now and get back into my comfort zone of growing more indica Dom plants. I always seem to have issues with sativa varietals, they seem to be WAYYY more sensitive. It’s a work in progress…lol.

I got one of the five Sweet Chems to pop. I eventually, like after a week, split the shells. That didn’t work either. I did his Mazard last batch and they were hard to pop as well. I have gone back H2O2, water, and paper towels for germane his seeds for the best success.

Glad you stopped by!


Not much going on around here, watching plants grow…

Check out this d’anger!!

6" Chef knife.


That mushroom looks like it couldn’t decide whether to split into two caps or not.


Sure is neat looking!


Not too much going on with the plants.
I finally chucked the two unopened Skittles Vibes, did get 2 to root though so it’s a start at least.
I threw in a couple new Fem seeds to see if I could get a quick starter to throw in with the skittlez grows. I’ll post them once they get going… Don’t want to post and then kill them lol.
The Strawberry Daiquiri are still crappy looking. Gonna have to stay that way now cuz I’m over it lol. The plant I snapped the main cola on smells delightful. Very sweet, citrusy like Rangpur lime gin, and turpentine.
The ones I pollen chucked are killing it. I can’t believe how fast they are. Getting big quick so I’m glad I flowered them when I did. Even then I knew I was pushing it for the 3x3.



Wowzers! Did you find the mushroom in the wild, or something you had been cultivating? Looks like she’ll open your third eye, no problem!

Plants in the photos look excellent, brother!

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It was grown with liquid culture. I was in no way expecting those results! It’s only the second time I’ve done it. The first time was standard size, these are super sized! This one was the biggest but there were maybe 4 others close to the same size.

The plants that I pollen chucked are doing most excellent! They smell sooo good! Like old school weed, nice sweet/sour/skunky scents. Hopefully I don’t get any intersex issues with them.
I cloned my favourite looking of the 3 just to try a different way of cloning to see if I can get more successful. Cloning chems is pretty rough sometimes and that is my typical grow type.

Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it!


Well, I am in the process of getting my ass kicked right now. Seems like that’s what happens when I start a grow log lol. Damn.

I don’t have a clue what’s going on with my seeds/seedlings. I’ve been fighting with them for about a year or so and never really had that issue previously.
They have been hard as hell to get started, thick shells? Age? Both? Something else? Dunno…
I do know that they hate my Kind X420s for getting going. I’ve found if I put the seed straight into the pot and pop it there that I have much greater success. The issue with that is the super hard/aged? seeds that won’t fkn pop. I’m about 50% popping seeds right now where I used to be at least 80%+. Whatever, I’ll figure it out. It’s the 15 bucks a seed that’s the issue. My cross of BUP is about 2.5 weeks old and is over a foot tall right now, no problems there…
My SKVA seeds seem to be having the most issues. I grew Mazard and went through many seeds to get 2 to pop, both ended up fem but the others were so weak, pulling their heads off and such when coming above ground, etc.
I’ll get it worked out, just probably need to get them started in solo cups like I used to do and be a bit more patient with them.

The other project, the one that looks hungry all the time? Yea, figured that one out finally yesterday. Man, was I struggling with them. If stress is cause for the plant to come back with stronger smoke, I’m in luck! lol.

Someone in my house turned off their water and it took me nine, 9! days to finally figure that out.
Shit happens. Those plants were just for something different for us to try. They will still be decent, but far from excellent.

I guess I will be going to soak some more seeds and see what happens!
Have a great day, I will!