Bubblegumball5000 Seed Run

I need 40 acres and a mule just for the packs I picked up during the virus outbreak!??
But I would put two hands out for some Bubblegum. Haha
Show me where to sign!


Totally in on this!!!


Dropping more Bubblegum S1 on July 10th!


Looks so good :blush:


Yeah you are the bomb.

When you get a list @Dirtron tag me please!
:green_heart: :seedling:


So, I have been feeling it, but couldn’t quite phrase it so eloquently

He was talking about swackhammer, but the same could be applied here. @Baudelaire does have these for sale on the FDM site, graciously donated them to the giveaway, and is a supporter of overgrow. I wouldn’t want to alienate him by reproducing his seeds without permission. I don’t think there would be any objections if it was crossed with someone else’s work, which is why I had suggested it earlier. And there are many bubblegum selections that could be picked.

Like Doug said, these are my personal feelings, and not everyone will agree, but I had to put it out there too.


Well, these were from @anon93244739 so his opinion holds a lot of weight with me. I also didn’t know that FDM= @Baudelaire, or that they are currently available. Maybe he will weigh in, but IDK if this is gonna happen anymore as currently envisioned. I guess maybe crossed to a different bubblegum? or maybe scrap this and run something else altogether… IDK… I just wanted to do something nice as a thank you to you all. But I definitely don’t want to be stepping on any toes… Gonna be at work today so I will check in later…


Shit I didn’t realize that was the case with these, or that they were even readily available. That definitely changes things. I did just look on his site though and it’s not on there.

Same. I thought these were tough to come by and that was part of what made it ok to reproduce. Not willing to repay the kindness with what amounts to undermining his sales.

In my mind an ok from @Baudelaire would be necessary to go through with it, but also it’s not right to ask for his permission cause it puts him in a weird spot. So the question is only if he is currently selling them or plans to in the future. If the answer is yes then the answer to the seedrun is obviously a no.


Well, he had talked about them being available back in April. I just want to be equitable and transparent.


We got a bit of time before the beans arrive so we don’t need to make a decision today. I also see some possible paths forward crossing to a different bubblegum IBL. However, I do want this to be a 100% positive experience so I don’t plan to launch under a cloud.


Completely agree. I’m on board for whatever is fair all around.


I’ve been working for a couple of years on a project to produce a regular photo seed line that is as faithful to the original pre-Dutch Indiana Bubblegum line as possible. We’ve used the serial backcross or “cubing” strategy to lock in the signature traits of a Bubblegum cut dating to 1991 that we hold, using two selected males from a 1998 vintage Serious Bubblegum release. This early Dutch Bubblegum was bred from the same line as the first generation of THSeeds original commercial release, as Adam and Simon had worked together in the early 90s at Sensi Seeds.

Since then, Bubblegum has been bred, and re-bred and crossed and backcrossed and all manner of fuckery applied to it, as its name became well-known and the variety a perennial Dutch retailing favorite, regardless of the provenance of the seed. This is our attempt to preserve the original American line before it disappears entirely.

BX3 seeds will be released in early September via our regular retailers Cannapot, Pips Seedbank, and UK420, as well as direct from FDMSeeds.com . The pre-release seeds in the July 4th giveaway were the BX2 generation, so expect some variability.

As for seedmaking, I can’t speak for anyone else but by all means, replicate. It is only fraud when you do not accurately disclose your inputs and practices.

Just understand that you are working with live germ plasm, not mp3 files. There is no such thing as “copying” a strain. You are recombining genes, not copying them, and each pollination will bring differences as well as similarities. Selection, and some luck, makes the difference between greatness and dreck. Your time, skill and hard work, or lack of it, will determine whether you make music or noise.

peace -b420


Gotta love it, altruistic indeed. @Baudelaire I cannot wait til September.
Thanks for coming thru with the deets.


@Baudelaire =


What lovely words.

You sir have a gift.


I’ve got a pack of GPS’ Bodega Bubblegum that I’m probably never gonna grow. Of course, it’s GPS, so… But if y’all wanna add them to the mix, I’ll happily send them to the appropriate grower. Trying to thin out my collection anyway.


It’s not my project, ask the guys and gals above


You might want to try em !!! I fux wit GPS despite everything tasting of Stardog. But this one Bodega Bubblegum that I have goin is tha shizznitt. Not your typical GPS


Okay, who is it? @Slick1 and @Dirtron? If you guys want those GPS Bubblegum seeds, you can have them.


Eh… I’m good haha. Got a lot of Gu’s other stuff that I’m not in a huge hurry to get to. And a lot of other people’s stuff that I AM in a huge hurry to get to.