Is there a value of sunrise and sunset in indoor?

Upon reading this link and using a couple 250watt lm301hs. I wonder about the usefulness. these lights came with a smart wifi timer, and sunrise and sunset controller as an option instead of the analog petitioner over wifi you can control when andhow long its on and light levels and light wireless. What are your thoughts on setting it as the link says


I don’t think it could hurt. I think the drastic, fast changes we normally use really mess with humidity which can exacerbate issues with mold and mildew. I’m sure the plants find it a bit shocking too haha


Not sure if theres any benefit to it, but my controller has this function and I’ve been using it, I can say this round of plants look much better than the last.

But i cant say if it’s due to the new light or few additions to my feed that did that?

I believe anyway you can mimic mother nature, is a plus in my books!

Edit: as beacher said, the drastic swing from dark to light can be an issue as humidity changes with the fast change of light cycle. Vpd is an important thing to consider. But like I said mimicking mother nature is always a good thing.


I use this feature as well. I definitely think it has a benefit, my plants are happier and my biggest yields from that cabinet were using the sunrise/sunset functionality.

I also try to keep my DLI the same in veg and flower by adding more “red” as I switch to flower. What I dont do, just because it is difficult, is slowly transition from 18/6 to 12/12.


The closer you can mimic mother nature the better.

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Moving forward a couple years, do you still have the same opinion?

I ordered the adapter to allow my AC Infinity 69 controller to control my SpiderFarm SF4000.
What length of time to ramp up/down?

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Yea I still use it. I do a 90 minute ramp up and a 180 minute morning length in veg. Then use a 60 minute ramp up and 120 minute morning length for flower.

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I think there is value in it for sure, but where and how depends on the individual plants and their ancestral history.

For example, I think one would observe more varied results in landrace style varieties with a variable sunrise and sunset approach than with a plant from a seedline that has been bred indoors under 12/12 across many generations.

Also interesting to me is the effect of light spectrum and intensity changing over the course of a season, subtly. The same way day length changes slowly and subtlety over the course of a season so does it’s spectrum and intensity. I think they all contribute to the nuances within expressions in cannabis plants.

Would love to have access to data sensors in traditional cannabis cultivation regions that measure things like this, so they could be mimicked indoors as best possible. Much love