Will late afternoon light put my indoor plants to sleep?

Question on indoors vs outdoors light: We have rolling blackouts here in my neck of the woods. Today it will be from 3pm to 6pm. The sunset time is listed at 7:05pm.

If I take my plants out the flower room and place them outside from 3pm to 6pm will the lower angle of light tell my plants its sleepy time? After 6pm they would go back indoors for another 3 hours before lights out.

Sorry about the blackout problem That’s an interesting question that I have no answer for, but I’m interested to hear what people think.

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How many times a week does this happen and is it always at the same time ?

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I would always be reluctant to bring indoor plants outside and then back indoors due to bugs etc

If this didn’t happen regularly I would just let the pants go dark early and give them an extended dark period , they wouldn’t even flinch


It isn’t the length of light hours that triggers flowering. Just the length of dark hours. If you significantly interrupt their dark cycle they won’t flower.

You can keep a plant from flowering with the light off a single screw in bulb, wavelength doesn’t really matter.


Thanks for the replies. Let me expand a little here:

The rolling blackouts are at various times so I cannot always adjust my “day” to work with them. Sometimes you only get an hour or 2 warning that its about to happen.
I’ve bought some rechargeable leds lights but they arent that strong and tried to use them for the 3 hours to keep the plants awake but that shift in light seems to be making the plants hermie as apposed to the plants just being in dark. So I’d rather just make the day super short than try keep the plants “awake” in low light.

The reason I’m asking about sleepy time is that from about 5 onwards the light will shift towards more red. Signalling the end of the day for the outside plants (I run the red leds to speed up my plants nap time) and was wondering if this would possibly confuse the plants with thinking its nap time. Anyways ist 2:55 here so about to find out…

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