It’s MY most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

Hope all goes well at your appointment :slightly_smiling_face:


Me too, thanks for the well wishes. :slightly_smiling_face:


Stay positive! Your spiritual outlook has allot to do with your health…JMO
Keeping you in my thoughts…:green_heart::v:


Discarding post. I think I can do that.

1 Like

Topped up soil/medium.
Have a good day.


Coming along nicely I see! :v::green_heart:


Yup, coming along.


Some true leaves coming in. Bet you’re excited! Wont be long till they’re growing like weed(s) lol…


Quick update, :seedling: babies are still growing strong :muscle:t3:, maturing everyday.

Tomorrow, I’ll be attempting to see if any are showing their sex. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a wonderful day everyone, be safe, grow onward. :peace_symbol:


Its on the early side to notice pre flowers, but maybe if ya do that 2 days in 12/12 then back to 18/6 and check in a week ya might know. They are looking healthy though, nice to see ya getting to the multi-leaf stage, feels good to get em past tiny seedlings, right? :smiley:


Thank you for the update :pray: some good solid growth right there!

Like @Nagel420 said, it’s a bit early to tell, but in the next 2-3 weeks they’ll start to reveal themselves. I’m betting there are going to be some really nice female plants in there!!


It feels great, :grin: and I think I’ll wait…flipping to 12/12 for 48hrs and then waiting a week for results seems like playing a different version of the same game, no? :woman_shrugging:t3:
I’ve been patient to this point. I’ve been LITFA’ing the poop outta these little ones! :rofl:


The 48 hr flip is a way to kinda push the preflowers out. Some people wanna eliminate males asap so they arent wasting time / energy on a plant they will cull. Without the 48hr flip, they might show preflowers in a week, two, three…

But no problems waiting either…


Thank you for checking in. :grin:

Things are going to get super interesting soon. :+1:t2:

I’m absolutely sure I’ll be needing all the advice I can get. :pray:t2:

Not doing the 12/12 for 48, going to wait and see how these little ones “just grow”. :crossed_fingers:t2: There will be more females than males, I’m only working out of the one tent (for now :wink:).

I’m super excited I’ve managed to grow them to this stage, I’ve inherited my mothers green thumbs! :pleading_face::relieved:


I’ve got nothing but time on my hands, also since this is only the third time I’ve attempted to grow Cannabis indoors (2nd in a tent), I’m good with waiting and watching this go round.

This diary/journal is going to be very helpful too moving forward as a record of what works and doesn’t/didn’t for my next “go round”.

The help from everyone on this site who has chosen to offer their advice or opinions is also so wonderful.

I’m so very thankful and grateful for the support and encouragement. :slightly_smiling_face:


Looking great @KanehB ; plants look much happier and are praying to the light gods haha :laughing: love it!

Yes they will reveal sex in a few weeks naturally. I still have not tried this new method of 48 hours 12/12 but I find my plants are usually quick to showing me signs of pre-flowers on their own. Once you have some practice it’s actually very easy to tell just from early signs of pre-flowers :slight_smile:

I’d recommend getting a Jewlers loupe or microscope to be able to be on top of sexing the plants early.

Definitely have that green thumb :wink:

Grow on!
:v: :maple_leaf:


Hey @KanehB!!! how are they looking???
(and happy holidays)


They’re looking great! :slightly_smiling_face: At least I think so.

I think I’m going to have to cull a couple that have balls growing where I don’t want them to be. (Right now I don’t have the space, to grow both M & F :confused:) I’m not freaking out or anything though. I know they don’t start spewing pollen in 5 minutes :joy:…it’ll take a bit before any males get to that stage.

I’ll get some updated pics :camera_flash: for you in the morning.

Thanks for asking….Happy holidays to you too! :christmas_tree:


Good morning fellow OG’ers! :sun_behind_small_cloud:

Okay, so yesterday I told a fib…

Turned into just the one pic :camera_flash:, I got seriously over invested in trying to sex them and almost didn’t make their watering :sweat_drops: schedule before it was time for lights out, I made it though. :hot_face:

So here is an updated “groupie” of my 9 lovelies. :blush:

Have a blessed day, and happy growing. 🪴


Good morning :grin:

You weren’t kidding, they really are looking great.

Going to be a full tent once you chop the males and transplant the ladies.