It’s MY most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

:clinking_glasses: Happy New Year! :champagne:

I hope :crossed_fingers:t2: everyone had wonderful holidays!

Question: Has anyone who has been keeping up with this thread ever heard of using aquarium (fish) water to water their plants?
**I’ve got the “Fish Poo” product it was a freebie thrown into my last local hydro store order. :grin:

If so, would this be aquarium water that has “live/living” plants that assist in filtering and keeping the water clean…

                 ~ OR ~

Aquarium water from a tank that uses chemicals to keep the water balanced so the fish can breath/filter without dying?

I ask because my son bought himself an aquarium for Christmas, the latter of the two. :grin:

Would requesting he bottle some of the water for me when he cleans the tank (specifically to be used on my plants) be too much of/a worthwhile ask? :woman_shrugging:t3:

Thanks very much, in advance to anyone who takes the time to read this and respond, it’s much appreciated. :relieved:


Aquaponics :wink: I’ve seen lots of ways to do this.

Most of the chemicals you are adding to an aquarium are to either dechlorinate it, or adjust the pH. The filter handles the biological processes.

Would this be bad for your plants? Chances are no. Would you see much benefit? Minimal only due to the volume being filtered / produced, but still trace minerals and such will be a benefit. Recycling the fish tank water isn’t bad as long as you aren’t treating for diseases with things like copper, etc.

You could make a nice tea with the crap from the filters. Take out the filter sponge (when it needs to be cleaned) and put it in a small bucket and rinse it in the bucket. That brown “poopy” water is probably similar to the “Fish Poo” from the store.

Every spring when I do my annual “Drain and Clean” of my koi pond, I send about 2000 gallons thru my bog filter to rinse it. The water being drained from the bog filter goes right to the veggie garden. THATS high powered fertilized water. Having built ponds for over 10 years, and cleaning plenty of them, wherever we would “dump” the water being removed, always had THE most green grass on that property…


Thank you very much @Nagel420 for that detailed explanation. :slightly_smiling_face:

I appreciate the time it took you to put that together for me. I will definitely consider all of this moving forward. :+1:t2:

Have a wonderful day! 🪴


Quick update: I’ve culled several Males :mens:, so far there have only been 2 who have presented as obvious :womens:!

I’m so happy, happy, joy, over joyous that I have the 2 lovely ladies present and along for this ride with me.

May I formally introduce my first set of indoor ladies since 2017!

This is a closeup of the one on the top/right! :grin:!

Here is the one on the bottom/left! :+1:t2:

They’re in training, (of a sort) and might get a topping I’m even thinking of attempting a clone or two. :wink: I’m open to suggestions, of course. :pray:t2:

I have 3 others whom I’m still waiting on their :womens::mens:⚧‘a to reveal, so far my patience has been paying off.

I wish you all a blessed day and happy growing. 🪴


I will usually top mine.
I like to keep them bushier instead of tall. Also, I clone right before I switch lights. But, you can do it anytime.
If you like the strain, definitely clone or try to keep a "Mother " plant.
Plants look happy BTW! :v::green_heart:


I agree with the topping on photos 100% of the time. Rather more branches for sure…

On autos, its up to the genetics I think, ya need to experiment a bit. Some autos don’t like it, and some I have seen make some really nice even branches. I think the shorter running the auto is, the less it would like topping…


Hi there just getting caught up with your thread everything looks great you’re getting some good advice if you don’t mind I’ll tagalong



I hope you’re well.:crossed_fingers:t2:

I’m definitely going for shorter and bushier so I guess topping would be what I should be looking into, something I’ve never done! :grimacing:

I’m also positive I’d like at least one or two clones: a) having a “clone war/race” in the tent sounds super cool :sunglasses: and b) to see if I can do it. :face_with_monocle:

Oooohhhhh this is going to get even more interesting. :wink:

Also, am so happy to see you’re still watching.


Good afternoon,

These girls came from beans listed as “Regs”, I’ve got some “nomenclature” reading up to do and am not sure what the difference is between all the different titles. :pensive:

I’m getting there…:open_book: is generally fun. :slightly_smiling_face:

Can I clone from a topping? :rofl: So many questions…so much time. :crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2:

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Hey there,

Hang out as long as you’d like, the more the merrier. :hugs:

I’m open to any/all advice…I was even reading up on diy self watering systems this morning. :rofl:

I hope you and yours are well, thanks for checking out my journal. :grin:

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Regs = the seeds could be male or female
Fems = just girls
Photos = photoperiod plants that need 12 hours of darkness to start flowering
Autos = Plants that will flower on there own timeline regardless of the lighting schedule

And yes you can clone from a topping.

Hope you’re having a good start to the new year! :+1:


:champagne: Happy New Year to you too! :clinking_glasses: @Neb

Thank you for these definitions, I appreciate it a LOT!

How has your “show” been going?

I hope you and yours had a fantastic holiday season. :christmas_tree:


Hi! :wave:
But, of course! I’m usually a silent lurker.
You seem to have a green thumb, nothing to worry about.
I’m sure you will have the cloning down as well. :v::green_heart:


Just harvested my last bunch and getting ready for the next round now. Still learning along the way lol

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Should I start a new topic for an (kind of) experiment I’ve been conducting?

~ OR ~

Insert here as a side post and just keep :notes: dancing to the beat of my own :drum:?

I’ll take any/all suggestions…aaannnnddd go! :racing_car::checkered_flag:


I am curious what this experiment is! :thinking: :slightly_smiling_face:


It IS Cannabis related. :wink:

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Please do tell. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Where? Here or in a new thread? :woman_shrugging:t3: I’m not sure which to do.

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Perhaps here I guess. Why not ? :upside_down_face:
If you want to make a new thread to dedicate it to it, thats cool too.

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