It’s MY most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

This is going to take a few minutes. :rofl:

Update is on its way. :grin:

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Just “Cloning” around! :clown_face:

The experiment as you will see from the following pics is two :v:t2:fold.

Part one: is to accommodate the lower part of the branch, which I cut off their mum at a 45 degree angle (with clean, sharp :scissors:scissors). The same scissors I used to cut an Aloe leaf. Then I ever so gently, shoved each into the end of that Aloe leaf, before slipping them through each of the big hole’s in the bottom of their little cardboardish planter’s.
The wooden spikes (Kebab sticks), for lack of a better term; are keeping each planter suspended above the water.

So I guess Part two began here…where I was able to carefully, with a very small spoon :spoon: and a lot of patience, wedge some soil/medium inside surrounding each small branch within each planter as well.

As I see it,I now have cloning planters supporting the growth of roots in two different ways, at the same time!

Hold on…there’s more!

The straw you see sticking out of each is how I plan to keep the :sweat_drops:reservoir at the bottom fullish. I have a small syringe with a smaller tube I can attach and plummet down each, to refill. Yes, I suppose I could use it as suction as well.

This morning marked the end of their 4th “evening”, being out from underneath of their own heat domes and they seem to be doing pretty good!

This is Orange Straw:

This is Green Straw:

Yes! Because, I’m was aware there was not a ton of RH going on under the heat domes (because of the way I have the water source “covered”,) I had been going in once a day, just before lights out and giving both of the little ones a quick misting with some fine and regular, quality H2O.:droplet:All of the girls are now getting a quick misting before bed, I’m finding it’s been helping to increase the RH levels just a few more degrees, which I don’t think will hurt. :wink:

I also took the liberty of poking some extra holes in the planters so, if some strong roots start to develop in the planters faster than in the reservoir of water :sweat_drops: below, well then I know what’ll work best moving forward. :clap:t2::tada:

Only :hourglass:time, patience and a lot of TLC will truly tell and I’m in this for the marathon run not the sprint! :running_woman:t3:

I’ll keep y’all updated on these two babies moving forward too! :clap:t2:


Interesting setup. I will be waiting for your updates. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:


I will be posting them regularly…I think I’m going to have better water rooting with one than the other and visa versa and that’s okay. If both ways work I’ll be happy too. :grin:


As long as they grow roots thats all that matters!
And with your setup, they will one way or another! :v:


I agree roots are a very good thing! :smiley:

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Nice experiment. Hope you get lots of healthy roots. They look happy.
Still following along. :green_heart::v:


@Bobgrows Glad you’re still following along. :wave:t2:

Here’s a quick update on my big girls, who I topped two mornings ago. :grimacing:

They’re doing great! Lots of new growth!

Going to start feeding them with some of this DNF Green stuff tomorrow.

Also….introducing Hiccup!

She’s been the smallest and slowest of all the seeds originally “popped”, BUT…I’ve had faith that she was like the “little engine that could”and she is just growing along defying odds and expectations. :smiley: I’m just so proud!

I will continue with updates when I can.

Many blessings :pray:t2: and happy growing everyone. 🪴


Your garden looks great!


HEY LOOKING GOOD your plants.
nice garden.
You choose the right nutrients?
I guess you gonna have a good harvest

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Thanks so much for popping in to have a peek. :grin:

Thank you! :grin:

I’m not sure about the nutrients, I haven’t used any up till the DNF Green I’m going to try tomorrow. :grimacing: So I guess we shall all see. :clap:t2:

I’m hoping for a good harvest, but all the learning and experience I’ve been gaining is awesome too so either way it’s a win/win. :wink:

Have a wonderful day! :v:t2:

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Nice to know @KanehB , good luck with your new nutrients. I guesss is gonna work as well.
Is a beautiful thing start to grow and learn , and the new experiences are a good thing.
enjoy the good time

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Sooo, I’ve been noticing this past week that the temp in my tent, has been dipping below 25C! :astonished:

Yes, it is in a basement.
Yes, there is underlay and carpet underneath.
Yes, the room is heated.
Yes, my plants have been directly on the floor, in a leak proof container.
Yes, I live in Canada, it’s winter and it’s :cold_face: outside and likely will be till mid March!
No, I cannot afford to go out and buy a heating pad for my plants. :pensive:

So this is my DIY solve:

We ordered pizza last night for dinner, so I asked for a couple of “New & Clean” Boxes. This morning I crumpled up a bunch of newspaper doomed for the recycle bin and used it to insulate the pizza boxes. I taped them closed and I put them in between the leak proof bin my plants are in and the cold floor.

:crossed_fingers:t2: This works! I’ll keep everyone posted! :grin:

I also started feeding my babies DNF Green this morning, I’ll keep y’all posted on that too!

Have a blessed Sunday! :pray:t2: Happy growing everyone. 🪴


Is that with the lights on or off? My temps when lights are off in winter get as low as 18C. If its a problem I don’t really see it.


Really??? They get that low without issue?


I noticed that my plants growth rate decreases when the root temps get below 25c, even though the overall health of the plant will not be affected by the lower temp.


yep, and will bring out the color in some strains

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I cant say Ive noticed this. Might be though.

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@Blu-Tri & @Floyd both things I’ll consider moving forward.

Thank you each for your responses. :relaxed: