JADAM The Book

I want to ask if you own the JADAM book, how is the translation and is it worth having a copy and read?

I have been watching the YouTube videos and they are funny. “Sell your organic shit”, “drink shit”, love how the interpreter has a great grasp of english. Great information, but way to funny to watch. :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have the book and I think it was a waste of my money. It is expensive, and I think all the information is out there already for free. Also, seems like it is more for large scale farming as opposed to KNF, the inputs of which can be easily made for home gardening.

To be fair, I have not tried to make any of the JADAM inputs, so it may be good stuff, but I wont be making 132 gallons of JMS (as the recipe in the book calls for).

Edit to add: You asked about the translation - it’s OK. There are significant errors. I can’t help but read it with a Korean accent, and for some reason that makes it work for me.


I’ve got it in digital format, and it’s widely available for free download in PDF form if you Google for it.
Cho cites his heroes as Karl Marx and Jesus Christ, so I’m sure he doesn’t mind if you get a copy for nothing! :joy:


This is definitely a consideration; I took the recipes and scaled them down to 5 gallons, using ingredient percentages. I’ll be making JWA once my KOH arrives, so that should give an idea if these inputs can be successfully scaled


I have scaled down JMS. I make 3 gallons of the brew at a time for 30 gallons of dilute.
It has been working for me so far.
And I concur that the info is already out there and no need to pay for the book unless you like to have the hard copy. I would also look at Dr. Drake, i think he was working on his own translation?


Ya snagged me a copy, thanks for the heads up???

Are you using sea water or sea salt, if sea salt about how many tbs/tsp are you using for a 3 gal batch?


I find this very confusing. Incongruous.

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Lol, facts.
As I read the book, it became even moreso because he’s very obviously neither a communist nor a Christian… Seems he just likes those two guys :joy:


His explanation:


I use the Sea-90. the last brew I made I think I put about 12 mL in. I just use my measuring shot glass, I’m not sure of the weight.

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Another question about JMS, when it come to water PH, how does an Acid or Base affect the microbes when diluting 1 to 10. Do you PH after diluting JMS or take your water and PH before diluting the JMS.

My water runs a PH of around 7.2 most days and I was wondering if a PH up or PH down would have an adverse effect on the JMS?

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thats a good question that I don’t have an answer to, I don’t PH anymore but my tap is around 7.2 as well.
Anybody need some PH up/down ? lol

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Ya I stopped doing the PH thing about a a month or two ago then I started getting some problems. Can’t say for sure that it was my water PH, so went back to PH down to bring it back to 6-6.25 give or take. I guess from my readings that soil does buffer some and I bet once you get the microbial life build up PH is not such a huge issue, I hope….


i recently found out about a growmie @okcalyxx on instagram. he shows how to make JLF, OHN and some other interesting stuff. Give him a follow if you like jadam, natural farming or just wanna learn new things.


I have to disagree, unless you mean making your own soap or sulphur :joy: That’s pretty hardcore stuff. But the basics like JMS and JLF are much easier (and cheaper) to make than the knf ferments. No brown sugar, no rice box IMO worked thru numbers 1,2,3,4,5…just plants + water, and potatoes + water. Maybe a sprinkle of salt :wink: (edit: oh yeah, and dirt)

I did not purchase the book but I may or may not have a pdf (yarrr) floating around. I really liked it and found it both informational and inspirational. Simpler really is better.

Also, the book may be worth it just for the fertilizer analyses near the back on his JLFs. Goes into depth on the NPK of different JLFs you could make - grass clipping jlf, dead fish jlf, etc. Now that I think about it I think I’m due for a reread


oh contreire, some of the earliest inklings of communist type ideas I’ve heard of cropped up within mystical, heretical sects of christianity. Women’s equality, the idea of an inevtiable revolution where the people will get rid of the gov- I mean church and distribute the means of communing with god directly…you should read the Illuminatus! trilogy, with lots of wikipedia at the same time :joy:

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