Compost Tea High Idea Question Thread ( ideas when ur high )

Can you steep grass clippings and leaves in water for a few days then just water the plants with that??

Shiiiit what if you peed in it LOL

Would the nutrients transfer to the water in a few days? a week? Never?

I already got a small little compost pile going for next season but was thinking of a quicker solution


I don’t think so … these materials has high C:N rates … Too slow decomposition to use as liquid fertilizer after few days in water …

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I figured so :stuck_out_tongue: Compost Pile it is

Or the worm bin (but not too much…)


I was intrigued about this … icon_e_confused|nullxnull

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That’s a process I got from Josh of Dragonfly Earth Medicine. He said the maximum time you need is a week to leech the calcium out. Said to look for an oily sheen on the surface of the plant juice. I’ve done 4 days batches and 2 week ones :slight_smile: they stink. Makes good fertilizer though!


wait how does it bubble?! I think i know but I want to be sure lol

Georges is Similar to joshs technique?

The plant juice uses anaerobic decomposition, that’s why it happens so fast. Also why it stinks so bad :smiley:

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Do I need to add anything to the water too Start the anaerobic decomposition

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oh thats why he said creek water !!!

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It’s just best to use creek water or pond water, instead of something chlorinated.

Damn I dont really have anything around, there was a few spots in the neighborhood back in the day where water would pool but they’ve moved so many people in this park that Id be going through peoples yards too try and get to them :stuck_out_tongue:

Is canal water fine ?

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Should be fine unless there’s some kind of chemical runoff going into it.

I suppose theres a chance sewage is going into it

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You could always try a batch with tap water, and see if it works. hah hah I’m lucky there’s a creek out the back door.

Does this need kept outside or is inside fine ?

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Definitely outside, or else… the stink…

alright batch made to sit outside nice :smiley:

I used half old fish tank water and half tap

doing a little reading the fish tank water could be a great source of nutes


I’m a complete ignorant on this subject :sweat_smile:, glad that Joe chimed in … beer3|nullxnull

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