(complete) Jalisco :Mexico: Landrace Co-op Seed Run

Only @bigj is a member. The rest are Reg Em

:green_heart: :seedling:

I’m not understand tl2 and tl3 then. If those are listed as tl2

No @Slammedsonoma420 . @Pakore and @BIGJ are signed up as TL3 and should not be. They violated the rules and took spots where they should not. I went through all the TL2 members signed up on TL3 and they all have a regular emeritus badge which allows them to sign up under TL3.


If you were TL3 and go down to TL2 you get a Regular EM statues for seed runs
:green_heart: :seedling:


Oh shoot OK. I wasn’t aware of that, I thought if you were a tl2 you were a tl2… hahaha
Will edit post above. Sorry


Give this a read bud. When you become a TL3 you get the regular emeritus badge. That means you can sign up under TL3 for life even when you drop to TL2. That’s what the badge was created for.


They changed that a couple years ago.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Thank you both for clarifying and sorry for the confusion!


Apologies for that, I will leave my spot for some else. I don’t know how and why I have signed on the LT 3 instead of 2.


I just want to say I am glad that Mexican weed is getting the credit that I always felt that it deserved. People often characterized Mexican weed by their worst experiences, rather than their best. It had to go practically extinct for anyone to worry about it anymore.

The good news is these lines that are getting saved are probably some of the better stock. I don’t have rose colored glasses to the point that I don’t remember how much of it was bullshit mediocre weed.


Sign up for the empty spots drawn by random number generator moved here for better visibility.


Thanks for the tag shaggy I thought I’d pass on this one though.:+1:

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Thank you @DougDawson :pray:

Sounds like it was just an honest mistake. @Pakore if I get one of the last 2 spots in the draw tomorrow, I’d be happy to split the pack with you.


I agree @Oldtimerunderground . We are not trying to call anyone out but the sign up’s are becoming a bit of a mess. Too many in too big of a rush causing users to be kicked off the lists. In this case it’s TL2 users taking spots from TL3 members. While it is likely that this was just 2 users rushing to get on the list through the frenzy we still have to deal with it. I doubt either user did it on purpose.

I was the first person signed up and before I could write thank you was already removed. I added myself again and just as quick someone wiped out me and 3 others. The process, rules and wiki etiquette are well documented and we need to start enforcing them unfortunately. Hopefully it will get people to just slow down so such mistakes are not made going forward. It took 15 hours to fill the list, there is no reason folks can’t just go away for an hour and come back if too many are editing.

None of us feel good having to enforce rules but it is something that needs to be done to keep things fair for all.


I completely understand and agree with you.

Guess I just still feel kinda bad from the last time I called someone out. They got booted off the list and I flew in and took their spot :sweat_smile:

I appreciate you doing the draw to give a fair opportunity for any TL3 members that missed the sign up before it filled.


I believe believe that I’m TL2.
Can you help me confirm this @DougDawson ?

Thank you. That’s what I thought.


Yes you are.


Let’s get this clear right now…I didn’t violate anything!!! I did not sign myself up for this co- op. Ive barely signed up for any since fall box because of the fact I work alot haven’t been here much to get signed up before they are full and closed. And never at tl3. I cannot physically be on this site that much time in a day to become tl3 because I work 70+ hrs a week I always sign up at tl2 if I even sign up…

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I only commented on f-ing up the wiki once before

Fair enough @BIGJ , then someone else put you on the list. This is also a violation of the rules, not by you, by whomever decided to put you on the list and in the wrong location. With the wiki closed I have no ability to go back and see who that was but you can blame whoever did that for the confusion.