Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 2)

All the ‘extra’ equipment, like ducting and inline fans etc…gone all the high electric bills gone. I owe it to @Mr.Sparkle! That man is genius! lol HE directed us in how to get things right


One month into flower when everything’s running is over a grand a month now. So technically one month in they’d be paid for.


And the plants? They’re just as big and lovely buds now as when we ran all the HID HPS & MH
That light is the one we had the auto go 6’6"

and not to state exact numbers, lol the yield was huge


That’s the kicker plants won’t lie if there not liking the lights . Nothing worst then a shit crop after all the work and time to grow them.


Several were over the 6’ and they’re all autos!

These were the last batch 2 month ago
Not all, just a few to show

lol @ShiskaberrySavior like ya said cuz, the plants don’t lie, and neither do the pics of those plants


There is a caveat to what I’ve said cuz lol I did treat everything with @BudBusterPro per Bob’s instructions. i use that stuff religiously!


@ShiskaberrySavior and @BigMike55 I agree summer Indoor growing sucks with HIDs! Even with the best exhaust fans. Lady Zandra and I still have to use a portable AC which is a pain in the ass in a basement. Our current grow is without our AC and is showing heat stress. We had a week of 100 + they’re hanging in there but they were supposed to go outdoors… oh well shit happens.

So I can see eventually switching over to a setup like JP’s


Right on cuz! lol I’m living proof that ‘old dogs can learn new tricks’!


Its a nice buzz, I hit it 2 or 3 times at my buds house this morning had a good high going for a couple hours before I had a tune up. Got lost in the vegetable garden for a while. I have 2 jars im letting cure, just open to take a whiff and close it up. Has a sweet fruit note not orange and not grape a little sour somewhere in between. The clone outdoor is going to be quite a bit bigger.


Johnny the paralyzed monster are growing nicely, no topping aue natural this round. These and grapex are next in the flower closet.


I’m glad ya like my genetics cuz, making folks happy with my gear makes me happy!
I’m extremely proud and happy with Frankenstein and how she’s done over the past couple of decades. She’s as close to perfect as I could get lol and when you cross her…with anything…the result is always good!


I can hardly wait for the new ones from your sale. One of those will be in soil when I get them.


Man I hear you Johnny! thought I knew a lot back in the day… boy I made poor predictions :rofl:

like when Joint Doc’s Lowryder first came out… I thought Auto’s were a fad, a waste of time, with low THC, and you couldn’t clone them, tiny yeilds. Now quite a few Autos have higher Thc than many photos with similar yield and have their place. With quick grow/flower time.
Still wish you could clone em but they are nice for in-between grows :slightly_smiling_face:

Same goes with feminized seed, when Dutch Passion came out with their line…I swore I’d never buy them because They had a high chance of hermies.
Until I got freebies years later from another outfit, it seemed they were damn nice and didn’t grow male parts. So stated buying more and from experience, found I got more intersex plants from reg seed, weird I know…tbh I don’t recall ever getting a intersex plant from feminized seed that we’ve purchased. Great for those who have plant limits and not interested in breeding. Although I won’t say you can’t breed with Feminized seeds, you can

Did some Soma feminizing by letting some strains go a few weeks past harvest time and using late bananas. Got a few mostly sterile.

Going to try colloidal silver on a couple clones we’ll see.

I’m always learning something new!
Glad I’m here amongst accomplished folks to keep me and the Mrs. Updated on everything new



lol You sound just like me cuz! Word for word, everything you said has been said by me, and at about the same time period it seems.
lol ‘Frick&Frack’ lol were/ain’t we a pair? But look at us now!
Amazing similarities cuz, you’re not mobile, I’m not mobile, even before this, I was very little mobility. Both of our wifes do all the growing now, but hopefully soon that will change, for us both. Old farts, lol etc

btw @Draig good luck with the CS attempt cuz, I’ve not had much success with my reversal attempts, not utter failures lol but close. So far I’ve tried STS and the eXe ‘one-n-done’ spray. The CS was next lol
Also like you, I’ve done more Rodelization for my female pollen, than any other method. Had better success with that lol
It’s like Ms ‘Fate’ is trying to tell me not to bother getting too ‘new wave’ growing lol My best method is Old School’ lol grow/pick a good boy for the pollen and pick a good girl to impregnate!


Can’t help but notice we’re moving in on ‘circus 3.0’ lol another 163 posts.


LOL, party time, excellent.


lol There are similarities there cuz!


That won’t take long at all.


I know right!! :laughing: sure we weren’t separated at birth! :rofl:
It’s a bitch growing old but it beats the alternative as they say lol
I think we’re to both too stubborn to not to recover and get back to it my friend!!

yeah back then I had 2 failed surgeries and classified disabled and collecting SSD… they had me on opioids… I threw them out after a week !

But in 2002 My Father-in-law, now 85 brought us some seedlings and seed stock he collected from his days at a hippie commune, they got these seeds from the old hippie trail. Beautiful plants I got pics somewhere need to take my pc in to retrieve them. We grew 14 outdoors From NLD to WLD

it was an amazing bag seed to.pheno hunt! and great first grows. The forums on the net helped. I’m not sure if I was an old OG member or not I signed up for a few and settled on a lesser known and not nearly as good or as friendly as OG.

BTW another thing I was wrong about lol… I never thought any strains would pass the 30% THC mark visionary I’m not :rofl:

Sorry for rambling on. :peace_symbol:


can’t wait to see the apollo ape perform outdoors.