Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

Good morning friends :v:t2:


This is going to be a busy week for me lol Got two Doc appointments on Thursday and 3 on Friday, with possibility of 4th appointment that day to do the stints in right leg after the Vascular Ultrasound/Sonogram. I’m hoping they go ahead and do it! So looks like both Thursday and Friday are gonna be wrapped up at the hospital/Docs…
Damned if I ain’t tired of all the pokin n proddin n testing this n that!
To make matters worse, 2 of the docs are disagreeing over how to best treat me (read as actually arguing!) The Vascular surgeon and the Heart specialist.
Appointments are stacking up like planes at a busy airport… they all wanting to get in on the ‘money-train’ is the way I see things. Drag shit out with appointment after appointment when it ain’t that hard to figure stuff out, ya ask me.
Oh, lol forgot an appointment this morning first thing (9AM)


You must be pretty special if you’ve got people fighting over you.

Hope your appointments go well :pray:


pfffft! :roll_eyes:


Good morning JP!!
Good morning everyone!!

Totally agree, and please, keep in mind, the one to either gain (your health back) or lose is you! So, whatever they decide must be in your best interest, and should be prior to money matters! If you happen to notice a problem, call it right away, but, more than anything, try to make sure you help yourself into the healthiest possible choices!! Take care! And I hope you get to go through this burden as a smooth fella, riding on the waves of dabs and comforting moments!!! :pray: :green_heart: :hugs:


Oh, believe me cuz… I DO call em on the BS! They don’t like it but that’s just the way I am. If i think they pulling BS stunts, i say so.
I saw a note on one of my chart once lol ‘argumentative’
The dabs, etc help keep me from going ballistic on them mofos
They took so long on one procedure, I tried to get up off the operating table to leave lol they shot more morphine into me fast(IV line) and knocked me out!


:rofl: :laughing: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Serious reason to be proud of oneself!!
:upside_down_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Good reason to be careful too!! :sunglasses:


Only one way to solve this- trial by combat. Surgical tools only as weapons. Two men enter, one man leaves.

Morning OG!


What gets me is, you go to the appointments and they don’t do anything. They ask a couple questions and then tell you you’re doing good, see you in six months. That will be $285 thank you.
Could a done that over the phone. Save a trip to OKC, never have to leave the house.
It’s a racket I tell ya!

Good morning friends!


Exactly! :+1:
And it’s pissing me off! All I wanna do is be mobile so I can get back to my growing…


Nooo! Really!? They just don’t know how truly agreeable you really are! They just don’t know the “real” Mr. Johnny Potseed I guess. Right!?

Good morning to all of you my friends!


LOL oh hell cuz, they see a ‘nice’ me! I try to not piss em off, since they do kinda have my life in their hands, ya know?
But, I will speak up if I think something isn’t how I want things to be, or I don’t want to go the route they try directing. If that makes sense
For instance, they wanted to operate on my back and fuse the 4 lower verts, I said HELL NO!




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Dang! You must be visiting a witch doctor! They charge me more than that at the hospital I go to just to say their howdy’s!

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Yeah, in the past quarter my meds alone ran over 3k
with co-pay running about 700


They wanted to go that route with me too about ten years back. F that, I told them! I can still get my shit done and I can still turn around and see what I’m backing the tractor up to. When I can’t, we’ll talk about something like that.


lol cuz pretty much what I said, except no tractor in there


Good morning JP. Good morning everyone.

Hoping for the best possible outcome for you with your appointments.

Every time I hear doctor I just think PRACTICING medicine


Looks like if they were really good, they wouldn’t need practice.


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s, everyone have a beautiful day.