Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Ya never know, lol. We’ll just have to wait and see.
It would def be a hoot if Frankie finishes before that Sheela gal!

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Always a fun read when I get over here. lol
BTW I put about half a bowl of bud in and then take a piece of hash and crumble it up, then squish it into a ball of resin.
Mash that down and put it on top of the bud in the bowl. That’s an all day sucker right there. lol


Oh. And I’m getting some fish bones on my ISS clones. Nothing on Frankie yet.


Hell yeah! lol It does last a long time, long time…


You didn’t tell him it’s actually hemp did you?


Oh-oh! :scream: :crazy_face: :wink: :+1:
Ya better watch out, @Oldjoints … lol @BigMike55 will come up here to Tulsa just to kick ya in the shins! lol


That’s it!!!
I’m telling!!!
Who I’m gonna tell, I don’t know. But I’ll find someone.


Is that a gel you’re rooting in? Or just water I’m looking at?


OH that would just be WRONG in so many ways!
Funny as $#!^ if it happened to be a Gonzo13 kinda guy but not if it was our @BigMike55 .
OK well maybe a little funny. The kind that you wait until he’s not around before you begin laughing your @$$ off.


It won’t be hard to find someone to tell… the hard part is finding someone that actually gives a ‘F’!

:crazy_face: :wink: :+1:


OK we’re on our way out to the barn. Be back in a bit, with pics!
Now y’all behave while I’m gone, and stop picking on Mikey!


That is a tub of water with a couple teaspoons of Garden Safe Rooting Hormone powder mixed in the water. With bubbles exploding keeping the stems wet and dripping.


Have fun @JohnnyPotseed !

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Nice to have friends like you.
The kind that are good while I’m right there but a laffingstock behind my back??? Gotcha. Lol

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OH I’ll still “good” while laughing. That won’t change. lol

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Well that trip wasn’t very long, lol. But I just had to get back into the house. Managed to get everything in veg hit with the BBP, though. lol put the Triforce babies into small cups, and took a few pics.
Sorry the budroom is in ‘lights off’ so no pics. But everything is just growing along fine.
up first is the center with mothers getting too big for their britches! The 2 ISS in the back are almost over the lights, even after raising em! Gonna havta trim em down a bit.

The Peanut Butter Breath is taking off like bats outta hell. Especially the one on the far left end, lol.

Next up is the Monkey Business, growing nicely.

Then there are the new clones, a bit of yellowing but they’re doing alright, and that yellow will be gone when repotted. The Buddha’s cane is starting to get roots out the bottom of a couple pots, so they go into 12" tomorrow.

That’s the show for today folks, thnx for taking a look!


Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 10-38-05 Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos photos & sex…reversals that is! (Part 4) -
Damn it, I’m outta likes!

Ok, time to hit the Emoji like-bank! lol
:heart: :heart: :heart:
These are for you guys from while i was gone, lol.


A pleasure to see your plants as always Johnny. Those ISS are beasts, im glad you got out and took some pictures and got to spend a little quality time with your garden my friend.:green_heart:


Thnx cuz, things could be better, but I have to depend on the boss to handle most of the work. She’s so overloaded, I can’t help but feel bad whenever I have to ask her for any help.


Where there were two, now let there be one. Part of you is out there every time Spotted Dove is.