Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

I meant the PBB cuttings.

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No, those are from you.
I think! lol Didn’t you send me some PBB cuttings?

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Yes. lol
You got those PBB from me and OJ got some of them from you. One of my PBB that we thought was a girl fooled us. You seem to have ended up with a bunch from the girl plant that I have going. I was wondering if OJ ended up with some of the male plant.

Yeah I brought you guys some cuttings. And a plant for JPS. Those ATF plants, every one of them, turned out to be boys.
Be sure to watch the GSN and the Zamadelica tho. I took cuts from three plants each. Two of the GSN were males and one of the Zamadelica. So if you got those cuts, they could be boys or girls

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Thnx for that heads up cuz. We’ll keep an eye on things here. If any boys show, well then, pollen collection is in order! lol

They WILL grow and give up something! Either buds or magic dust! lol


Did yas see the bud porn I posted? lol Looking good and some are going to be chopped later this week.


Sounds like a sticky brake caliper problem (rust/corrosion, or just shitty caliper that needs to be replaced), or the slide pins very desperately need to be cleaned and greased. A collapsed or shitty rubber brake line can cause similar issues…
What year and make of vehicle?


Well now, let me see if I can switch it up even more tonight, lol.

Good Morning OG!

Not gonna say ‘goodnight’ lol that never seems to work for me…


Goodmorning broski


Lol well good morning then


Reckon I’ll just sit here n watch a movie until I pass out, or near it, lol then crawl my old self into bed! lol


Put on titanic that should put you out :joy:

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We’ve all seen that too many times

:rofl: :scream: not trying to make myself sick… said go to sleep, not kill myself to keep from watching thatun.


:joy::joy::joy: my bad that was a pretty bad suggestion

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I’m thinking something of Quentin Tarantino maybe.

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That would probably keep me up

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Dusk to Dawn 1


The Quiet Man. That’s a good one to fall asleep to. I’ve done it. lol

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Already watching Dusk to Dawn lol Badass opening, now at the jail!