Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Looking good there JP!
Good evening all, ashamed to say it but 7:29 and I am already in bed. I don’t know how I ever managed to get by in my younger days.


Nice pbb brother!!!


buckster…you said the key words in solving your puzzle…

in my younger days.


lol indeed. In ‘my younger days’ I’d go for days on end without sleep! lol Not on a bet, nowadays!


Thank you @PioneerValleyOG . :slight_smile: She’s about done and done.
I’m anxious to try this one. :slight_smile:


I’ll be interested in hearing your report cuz. Since I’m kinda curious, lol. It’s going to be another couple weeks yet, before we taste that PBB we got going.

Crap! Stoned again! lol It’s gonna be a couple weeks before we taste the Island Sweet Skunk, :rofl: :crazy_face: :wink: :+1: not the PBB!


Damn brother deff a healthy looking bunch !

Gotta question for ya are you familiar with t 5 tube lights ?

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yep cuz, I am. lol these are the old school 4’dbl florescent shop lights ya get a Lowe’s for under $20 each. Used em for years over clones and young plants. But converted em all to the LED, took out the ballasts.

Actually, they’re still there hanging under the shelf for the floor level plants, because we’re too lazy to take em down! lol We only use the shelf now for plants and not more than 4 of them fixtures at most.


I still run a 6 bulb HO t5 I believe the tubes are 54 watts each

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It was cheaper to convert the old fixtures, rather than buy all new ones

Ans as you can see, for years, my plants do just fine with em!


So on your t5 fixtures you disconnected the ballast in order for the led tubes to work? I’m asking because I’d bought 6 led t5 tubes but they wouldn’t work in my light.

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Go to Lowe’s or Home Depot. get the ballast-less LED tubes. Remove the ballast from the old fixtures and straight wire it. Then just stick in the new tubes, done.

Those aren’t T5s, they’re T12s

No idea if that’ll work on T5


I was checking the bulbs out tonight at lowes but couldn’t remeber if it had a male or female end to snap in lights…
I found a 4 ft garage light …and I need more room …sooo a fixture with double tubes at 54 watts could cover how much sq ft …sorry if I’m asking to much haha
T5 t8 t 12
What’s the difference


I’ve bought the tubes a long time ago I believe there ballast less tubes that’s probably why they won’t work in my light.


Yep, ya gotta get the ballast out for em to work


We have em in a row all the way around the room. Over the shelf, we can put 5-6 3gal pots under each, or a couple cloning trays/humidity domes, or up 25-30 small pots, etc,


If it’s a 4 ft light you’d be safe to do 4 ft by 2.5 /3 ft wide I’d say. I just use mine to veg lately I’ve been using a 315 watt cmh to veg it will do a bigger area then the florescent fixture.


Heck yeah I plan on using solo cups for now …mainly for clone space but also I need to start more veggies!


Sounds like a good stretch to me ! …I think I’m just getting outta hand but who knows haha I’m trying keep mothers root clones veg clones and flower out some plants while trying to keep my Jumpstart veg plants that I plan on using for outdoors…wich before that I’m taking clones of them also have about 40 veggies going …she wants to start propagating peach trees and raspberries…
You always have some monster veg plants !

Sorry if that was to much


The difference, to my understanding is the tube diameter/output

@Rabeats2093, the old shop lights with full spectrum worked great. Then we switched over to LEDs in the converted T12’s and the electric bill dropped even more.