Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Morning everyone have a great day


Morning OG. Scissors ready for a little trimming today.


I just finished the final plant last night.
Im over it for a while, lol. Have fun! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


It looses the charm once you think about it. This guy was killing gay men for years and then burying them in upper-class households… McArthur is :canada: top serial killer but it’s too soon for the media to make money off him.

Give it 10-15 years and there’s gonna be a tv narrative about this guy glamorizing his crap. :man_shrugging:


Good morning everyone


Happy pre-Cinco de Mayo! lol


Get’r done @Abbbian and Good Morning All, Hello @JohnnyPotseed


Happy early Friday / Cinco de Fried-O!

Throw a little extra bud in there this week :crazy_face:

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lol why wait for the weekend? Throw a little extra bud in every day! :scream: :wink: :+1:


hahaha this week I need an extra fattie then :wink:

My method is usually a nice “Indica” after work and a good “sativa” in the morning (quotes because I’m still not sure if indica/sativa is based on equator or how it makes you feel lol), do you have a preference?

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Actually, I do. lol I prefer to blend several strains of both Indica and Sativa, or hybrids even.

It’s rare for us to smoke just one strain, unless it’s Frankenstein lol no blending needed.
With all the strains I put into her, she comes ‘preblended’!

Like right now, for instance… we’re smoking a 3-way blended doobie of Frosted Cobra, Ice Cream Cake, and Buddha’s Cane


Those seeds are HEALTHY looking too!

Is the mix providing a synergystic affect like an interesting combined taste/effect?

I typically like one strain at a time per sesh, but will try multiple throughout the day! that’s so interesting to me people’s rituals :rofl:

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The main reason we blend is that usually gives any Ganja a boost in effect. Not really concerned with the taste, mine went out the door in the first few months of covid. Very limited taste/smell has gradually came back.


ah that is a good reason lol, and I get that! I don’t completely isolate the strain just typically do, for instance on the rare occasion I ever get a good sativa that gives me a litttttle too much energy I like a nice calming strain like Bubba to counter-balance :sweat_smile:

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@JohnnyPotseed my Friend those Lady in reds spit out some nice wide leafed Plants with a stem rub that I can only describe as something Magical,Sweet Piney Sandlewood mixed with earth and funky goodness.The Fem Frankie’s are a thinner more delicate Lady That likes to hang out.Very hungry little things they love the Malted Two row and fulvic acid With that Basalt dust.Outside they will go in 2 weeks A repot is in effect


Lovely little ladies there cuz. Glad you like em both so far, keep us posted as they progress, please!


I don’t like them at all,I absolutely adore them dude they have been a blast to grow out I will definitely show them off and all the progress here on your thread you can put that one in the bank checks already in the mail.They emanate a very special Energy One can feel the vibration and the aura of those plants is a very exuberant one.I’m sensing a very good morning strain one that one lady’s stem rub.Has a bite to it like the Purfume Happy from Clinique.I can’t put my finger on it but it wakes you right up smelling it


When I found the King Tut, I just knew it would make a nice one crossed with Frankenstein. That’s how Frankenstein’s Bride came to be about 13-14 or so years ago. Then crossed FB with the DragonBloodHashPlant to get the Lady in Red. Grown it a couple times, Always kickass.


Nice looking plants @CapnCannabis

Past bedtime here but at least tomorrow is Friday so gonna surf a bit more


Nice healthy looking plants.