Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

I have a devil of a time opening those too. I ruined the last one after I had enough of trying to be careful. lol
I believe those are the ones that have ribs on the top piece and the lower. They can be fun to take apart. There’s no space to get anything in between to pry up with. My fingernails are too thin anymore for that kind of thing.


@JohnnyPotseed will be a long directly. He will help you. Sorry


Don’t guess I ever got any of that type. Only the pucks with seed holes and the kind you get from Sebring


You are correct sir. I can get one of the four tabs up and when I go to trying to get another one “up” the other pops down. I ended up levering it off like a tire with a little screwdriver and my pocket knife, just don’t want to hear a crunch. =]


I’m not the maker of these cuz, I just use a penknife. and work my way around them until the lid comes off.
The seeds are protected during any of the times I’ve had to take off the lids.


There are a lot of different ways used to transport beans by members on OG. These pucks are lightweight, while doing the job of protecting seeds in shipment. They might not be easy to open, is about the only downside.

I’m thinking about giving the hinged ones a try.

edit…I just ordered the hinged Lacon containers


No worries, bud. Figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask.

I do, in fact have one of those. It is pretty much a pita to open. Once I got it opened I said to myself, Self? You don’t wanna hafta do that again. I left the cover off and put a piece of tape over the seeds. Problem solved. Next???


Hell just the bottom part of those you already have. Just put the JPS label over the seeds.
Like such


The Lacon hinged containers are over twice the cost (for the same amount,100) but I just ordered some. So folks won’t have the problem of getting them open…

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I hope I didn’t come across as complaining about it. I just wondered if I was missing something obvious. They’re great at what they do.

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I would cancel that and go with the nekkid pucks and a label if it were me.


And you should be able to get nekkid ones cheaper than two piece. Your using a label anyways, right?

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I wash the pucks with warm soapy water to get any oil off. I’ve tried using just the labels like you suggested, but then I have to use scotch tape around it to keep the label from coming off!
Things aren’t perfect, but I try to make sure beans are protected, more than anything else.

The weight is an issue also, the heavier the containers are, the less beans can ship per emvelope/card. I’m sure there are other ways that would work, but the S&H would go up due to weight. So…


I guess I should have added this.

I love them though. For transporting seeds, they can’t be beat. They are a pain to open but that’s a small trade off considering the seeds I have lost to those blasted rollers.

That was in my mind to post earlier but I didn’t.
Maybe I should have. lol


I keep my seeds in little glass vials so the ones I get don’t stay in those packs anyway. I keep every one of them to use when I ship out some to others.
Ha ha. @JohnnyPotseed ! I beat you to the post. lol


They aren’t intended to be used for anything other than shipping. I figure folks have their own storage containers, as long as the seeds are protected in shipping. Destroy the damn pucks getting them open!


But you would be shipping only half as much plastic. There’s that.
I do understand tho. Just was thinking the least expensive way to ship withe the safest for the seed.


I could use other means to ship. Like the flip-top vials, for instance. But then I’d have to pay a lot more for shipping by using the bubble envelopes! I figure on trying to keep the cost as low as possible for folks.

Also, in using the bubble envelope mailers from the USPS, the customs now requires forms filled out! Which would mean no shipping to out-of-country…

Using cards/envelopes, I can ship to anywhere in the world, no problem…

edit. The USPS probably has always supposed to have the Customs forms filled out like that, but only just recently started to enforce this.


I don’t see a problem at all with your current system. I really just wanted to show off my big worm =]