Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Same to Rose, my brother.

She’s still in bed this morning, which is allowed! lol But will do, soon as she gets up!

Good morning everyone!
Happy Mother’s Day for all the ladies

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Good Morning and thnx :heart:

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Dam your slipping your supposed to bring her breakfast in bed this morning or at least some coffee and a joint . It’s Mother’s Day

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Naw cuz, she knows that’s not possible for me to do.
I’ve got the doobies rolled for her though


Morning folks!

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Got to have priorities :joy:

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Screenshot 2023-05-14 at 09-03-48 Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos photos & sex…reversals that is! (Part 4) -
outta likes lol GM! :heart:

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Always lol the first thing i do every morning is roll up a few


You are most welcome! Thanks for sharing your grow with us.
BTW - I get super dark purples on all my Peanut Butter Breath when growing them through the colder months, so I’m surprised to not see any purple colors in yours. But they look great! How do they smell?

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That is the weird thing @Purple-N-Hairy ! The purple doesn’t show up when I’m taking a pic with the flash. But it’s purple as it can be! I’ll take a pic without the flash and see if it comes through. It’s just strange that it shows no purple.
The smell reminds me of burning rubber or a hot roofing tar vat.
Here are some pics of a few buds I took the other day without using a flash.

And here’s some still on the plant under my LED’s.

Believe me. She has the purple going on even though it’s not showing up on the pictures. lol
It’s amazing how much difference the flash made.


Ohh and… Good morning my friends :sunrise:!


Heey Gang! Went out earlier to collect a bit of worm dookie and this big bastard came up to say hello. It’s as big around as my finger when it’s not in stretch mode. If you look between the can and the worm you can see a sprouting acorn ;].

Speaking of collecting worm castings, is there a trick to opening those seed pucks? I have the dexterity of an infant and the eyesight of a, well, half blind old man.


If your fingers don’t open them, you can always use a hammer. Just saying.


Just kidding.
If they are the hinged type just grab the middle part and one of the side parts and twist.
Once you get one open it’s easy to see how to do it. You may lose the first pile of seeds tho. Be careful.


Mornin’ yall!


That also depends on what style of seed holder you have.


Yea, it only took me a couple hours to figure out the hinged ones. These are the ones I’m speaking of.


Are they screw together two seperate pieces?